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ya know, I just realized who you are. Jerry from the Dream Doctor?
huge kudo's to you for establishing this site.
I wanted to let you know that I met with a Jungian dream worker today and am now able to make some sense of what's going on. Lot's of work to do
but at least I have a better sense of this passage.
thanks again to you
..and to everyone else who's posted on my dreams.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52 Colorado

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Re: Gerald

Thanks. It is a labour of love, with all the labor being the kind I love doing.

Yep, That's me. I spent a lot of time at Dream Central several years back. Received a lot of practical experience interpreting dreams. Although I believe I had a good grasp of the dream even then, the experience over the past 6 years has provided more so because I had a website as a way to express myself.

Dr Doc had a different approach to dreams. It was great experience reading others approach, and interpreting the dreams. But of course all true Jungians believe with their soul that the final gnosis belongs to Jung. Astrology, which Dr Doc practiced, was a mere strand of the whole. The evidence/verification of how well Jung's approach works is readily found in the many posts, interpretations and follow-ups here at the Forum. It is not always important to give a precise interpretation, but an interpretation the dreamer can say, yeah that fits. The great help I get from others such as yourself with the interpretations, even if it is only a guidance instead of a true interpretation is of more help for most than most dream sites or forums.

I stopped visiting Dream Central when it became clear of the bias against Jung by Dr Doc and others at her Forum. Instead on focusing on the dream it became a discussion/conflict of philosophy. Being a Pisces, with a primary archetype of the Trickster, I had to resist my normal ego response, I either stay and debate the critics {which is the norm of the Trickster} or I take a higher road and elevate myself to a better knowledge through my own individuation. And the path of the hero, as a guide, especially the spiritual aspect is always one of the Higher Self. The best role models is Jesus and the Buddha.
Campbell's hero motif is the model I try to live my life. The idea is if you follow the outline path of the hero/herione, which requires much discipline and sacrifice, then you find that harmoneous and balanced life. And a creative/spiritual identity.

And of course the result from my taking the higher road and leaving Dream Central was the birth of Myths-Dreams-Symbols.

Go figure. Something is working!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Gerald

wow! I missed all of the issues at the dream dr. I just thought the place ended up being pretty darn mean and nasty. I love the open space here and the ability to be honest and get honest feedback.

how did you find out you are the trickster?
Is this through the tarot? how would I know mine?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52 Colorado

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stats from 7-14-10 to the present