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Biblical dream

I really can't figure out why I am having dreams lately when, before, I never dreamt of anything. Could be the new mattress and boxspring I bought for my bad back. This is the dream - it takes place down the street from where I live (Great South Bay) I dreamt that I was walking my son in the carriage down to the beach. When I finally got there, I put my beach blanket out and took my son out of the carriage and sat on the blanket. It was beautiful watching the waves come in and it was a nice sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. To the right of me about not even a half mile away was a big boulder on the beach. All of a sudden this man comes out from behind the boulder with long white hair and a cane and dressed like someone in biblical times. Looked just like Moses. I for some reason panicked and got my son, put him in the carriage and my blanket and started leaving the beach. The man was looking at me funny; like as if to say, "why is that lady leaving?" I turned back once and he was still standing in the same spot. He looked exactly like Moses. What could this dream possible mean. My son is now 29 years old. Not a baby anymore.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 - long island, new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Biblical dream

this dream could relate to something from around the time your son was that age,
the figure appearing from the rock,hit me as one of christs desciples,namely peter,he was the rock?
do you know anyone with this name from,then or now that it could be talking about,maybe even someone with the qualities of a rock,a great support for you?
peter was also famous for his denial ,i mention this part as you stated in your post ,why is the lady walking away,this could have some relevence.
just a few things to ponder.
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

Re: Biblical dream

Your dream starts out with you being content, enjoying the life you have. And then this wise old man appears, coming out from behind a boulder. This bouledr may represent a major component in your life. It could also represent a major obstacle. Since it is on the beach I may still be a subconscious things, not fully realized or appreciated.

Unless there is an experience from the past involving your son {as Steve suggested} I would believe that the boy in the dream is an aspect of your own developing masculine self. And so is the wise old man. Both would be Animus representations. The little boy is something that you would naturally nurture. But there is a fear within of your wiser animus aspect, perhaps you don't trust it.

Why the mistrust only you can discern. It may have to do with spiritual aspects since the man looks like Moses. Is there some mistrust of your religious concepts, the patriarchal aspect? Look at your animus and see where the little boy and wise old man may fit. And also compare your life to the possible conotations. Could there be a relationship to the fruitcake dream? Moses and fruitcakes could both be associated with Christmas.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Biblical dream

I did go to Catholic school from first to eighth grade lol and the nuns were real strict in those days. If you talked while they were teaching you would get poked with the pointer by the blackboard. As far as the name Peter goes Steve - I do have a cousin Peter that is the same age as myself. I have not seen him for years. He moved to Milwaukee somewhere. He was an altar boy when he was little then when he got older turned into a drug addict. Figure that one out! Oh well, people do change just like the weather. Thank you both for your interpretations. Blessings to you!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 - long island, new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Biblical dream

Your experience in school may be part of the reason for your dream. I'm sure Moses was always present in class along with the nuns with their poking sticks {nuns uitilizing masculine/patriarchal techniques-is that kosher or what?}. Of course to have any bearing on the dream it must have some bearing on your present waking life.

I noticed your ending salutation from your last post was 'Blessings to you!' Is that your customary ending or have you found new spiritual materials for your life? Blessings is often a salutation used by Wiccans?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Biblical dream

Hi Gerard! When I said, "blessings to you" this is something I heard frequently by people when I lived in Massachusetts. (not that far from Salem) there is a lady that is the witch of Salem. I am sure you have heard of her. Her name is Laurie Cabot and she has two daughters Jody and Penny who have taken over her store now. I am back in New York now so far away from that environment. I do believe in God; but not gods or goddesses like they do. I am a lover of nature and animals. You don't have to be a wiccan to like these things. I do alot of research also on the computer and have run into the most weird, satanic creature alive. His name is Anton LaVey and he died years ago. An extremeist and follower who formed the Satanist group out in California. I am sure he is where he wants to be right now, next to his buddy "Satan"

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 - long island, new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Biblical dream

You are right. Wiccans are not the only ones who see nature as a vital part of a true spiritual life. Native Americans are probably the best example of living in harmony with nature. And from what I gather you want to do the same {and so do I}. Perhaps Moses represents that patriarchal upbringing you received {as I did also, being brought up in a Christian environment}. The biblical account of life gives man dominance over nature, nature must submit to man. Of course this process is destroying the planet, cutting down the forests, polluting the waters and sky, destroying what nature has given us.

My thoughts are all the Gods and Goddesses of religions are myths. They are symbolic, not literal. And they sometimes appear in our dreams, just as Moses appears in your dream. The intentions is to bring you closer to that true spiritual self which is rooted in nature and not some religious dogma. We tend to deny this, our religious education tells us we will be punished if we don't. But our dreams are more powerful than our religious education because the dream reflects the true condition of life whereas religion is a tool of power for the church. Nature can be denied by religion but Mother Nature is in control. Katrina, Wilma and Rita are recent events that prove this.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Biblical dream

Yes Gerard I believe the same as you do; gods and godesses are myth and as far as I am concerned, cartoon characters. Mother nature has proved what she can do as you say with the most powerful hurricane Katrina. We have no control whatsoever over mother nature. Pagans think they can burn candles and chant and draw circles but they cannot stop what mother nature has in store for us. They are not being realistic people. I have talked to several and they just live in their little world with their little ideas that make no sense. I am not trying to say all wiccans are former drug addicts or drunks but alot of them were and now think they have found goodness and greatness in believing the way they do. What I say is "to each their own"

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 - long island, new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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