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house on fire

My house is on fire; I’m running around in a frantic effort to get everyone out of the house. The first floor is burning and I can feel the heat, as it’s getting intense and unbearable with each passing moment. I check all the bedrooms on the second floor and they seem endless in numbers. I open each door looking for people to rescue, and finally in what seems to be my guest room I find a little girl who’s busy playing with a ragged doll while sitting on the floor in her white/pink nightgown. I’m surprised to see her in that room seemingly so calm…not paying any attention to me. I start yelling at her and asking her to come with me. She looks at me with such contempt in her eyes and ignores me and continues on playing with the ragged doll. I stop yelling and start begging her to come with me, but she continues with her play. In my frustration, I decide to leave her there, but right before heading downstairs she trips me over with the strings attached to her rag-doll. I turn back to look at her and to my surprise she seems much older yet wearing the same nightgown. I get scared of her and start running downstairs and manage to make it out side of the house where everybody is busy getting my “new” furniture out and I begging them to rescue the girl upstairs but nobody listens!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33/ USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: house on fire

A classic house-on-fire dream. The house is you and the fire is symbolic of some aspect, attitude, emotions, complex. The task is to determine exactly what symbolic form the burning house means in your dream.
But before we do that I would suggest you take the dream, with the knowledge that the burning house is you, and compare it to your waking life. Read the House-On-Fire link to help determine what the symbolic representation might be.

Pay special attention to the child. She is probably symbolic of you also, either the little girl that you were or the 'inner' little girl that you want to rescue. Or she could be both. She turns older, just as you turn older and face the need to rescue this part of you.

And she has contempt. Where in your life is there comparable contempt? The rag doll could be something from the past or it could be a dsicription of inner emotions about yourself.

This little girl frightens you. If this little girl is indeed you then what is inside her psyche is the thing that frightens you. And the nightgown. Does that conjur up anything that has meaning?

Most likely the dream is addressing something from your past. Look at the links and questions I have posed and get back with me. Unless there is something hidden so deep within your unconscious that it is hard to get out, I believe you will see the connections. Let me know your thoughts and we will prceed from there.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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