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recently recurring character

i'm walking through a wooded area when i come across a dilapidated building. entering the building i notice that there is only a narrow walkway between the far right wall and a row of large machines overgrown with vines, and as i move along i find myself looking into these machines, slowing to a stroll despite the sensation that i'm supposed to be following a woman.
I've followed her three times over the past few months: first, down the highway and into a dairy queen parking lot just to introduce myself to her and on into this building--where she works; then coming to visit at work in a dream that had something to do with either video games or video; and now
she hugs me as i enter the room at the far end of the building, and though i want to spend more time with her i end up looking for my cigarettes. i retrace my steps through the woods and end up in my uncles house. at first i think its empty, that i can grab the pack off the table in the foyer and get back, but he passes by just as i get my fingers on it and invites me into the den for a drink. scotch from heavy crystal decanter ... though i'm anxious about drinking and eager to get back, i can't seem to say anything

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23 neGA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

Re: recently recurring character

This dream may have to do with personal growth, perhaps a need to overcome some habit or traits that holds you back, a need or desire to get past those things that prevent you from being that person you truly wish to be to. The wooded area is those aspects of growth. The machines would be the repetitive motions in life that you have to go through, the material things that you cling to {vines} that prevents you from being the original self, the true self. The building you enter is that dilapidated aspectof yourself as result of clinging to the world of requirements and social duty. You spned more time with these machines than you do with your true ambitions and desires {a feminine aspect-represented by the woamn you should be following}.

You have a need to introduce yourself first to those aspects of growth. Perhaps you are unaware or have ignored these habits or traits that prevent you from growing as you should. This feminine aspect that you wish to follow will provide you with the nourishment {dairy}, if you would only follow her lead.

This feminine aspect is not in the forefront of your intentions. Consciously you may not have the real desire or discipline to follow through but unconsciously yhou know it is the right thing to do.

The uncle's house, a masculine aspect, seems to be one of temptations. There are cigarettes and alcohol. These two things may be part of what you need to overcome so you can grow as a person. Not being able to say anything may indicate a lack of real discipline to overcome these habits.

Do you smoke? Perhaps the dream is trying to get you to finally take that step to overcome the habit. Cigarettes and perhaps alcohol, even though you may not have a real habit of drinking. But both are something you know is bad for you. If you don't smoke the cigarettes may symbolize other habits or traits that you need to ovecome. At your age you may be trying to determine what directions in life you need to take. Your dreams will naturally try to point you in a direction of what your heart desires and not what society requires. That is the feminine aspect, the true self. Joseph Campbell calls it 'following your bliss'.

What are those things, habits, traits, in your life that are holding you back? I thing this is the main message of your dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: recently recurring character

thank you,
i am trying to quit smoking, limiting myself to one an hour when i'm home, stopped rolling nonfilters in favor of filterkings, etc.... haven't had a drink in a yr. and a half, but there isn't a day (and sometimes it feels there isn't a minute in the day) that i don't ache for a drink. one thing i probably should have mentioned is that i'm not particularly comfortable with or close to my uncle, so its a bit surprising in the dream that he invites me to sit down.
actually, i have consciously been trying to walk away from everything in order to follow a new "heart's desire" more along the lines of the societal norm. you're dead on about my trying to decide what direction to take.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23 neGA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

Re: recently recurring character

Thanks for your follow-uo post. As for your uncle appearing in your dream, he most likely symbolizes an aspect about yourself that you do not like {smoking/drinking} even though he himself may not indulge in such activities. He is someone you do not especially care for and so are the smoking/drinking desires you possess. Dreams often use someone else to symbolize aspects of yourself.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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