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union with the goddess

hi gerard and all,
i felt i needed to post this dream,as it contains quite clearly mythological and individuation motifs.
the dream.
i am standing next to a river of primordial ooze,some sort of negative energy pulls someone from me down into the depths,
i jump in up to my waist after it,
i sense something swimming around me,very powerful but negative,
i grab hold of it,it rears up out of the fluid,i have hold of what looks like the devils head,
it speaks the words,so now it begins!,
i reply yes,now it begins,.
it disappears and i climb out,
i have to squeeze through three sets of walls about six inches wide,it is a very tight,claustraphobic place .
i push myself,and manage to stay disciplined(not panicking).
i slip through the third gap out onto a beach,
it is revealed there,that a female,a green goddess, who was dead is about to be brought back to life again for me,this it seems is the reward for my efforts,
i become overwhelmed with joy at this prospect,as it would be miraculous in its proportions ,i awoke with tears ,

i have been a bit negative/down recently with regard to my spiritual journey,
and as you have often reminded me of,helping hands!
this dream has compensated my lopsided attitude.
it has reminded me of the possibilities at hand,
even a progress report of sorts.
i can't stress enough, the amazing capacity for dreams to inspire and urge the struggling spirit on its journey of self discovery.
i am refreshed and back on the trail.
many thanks

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 uk

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Re: union with the goddess

Hi Steve,
A deeply moving passage and remarkable report. Delighted your journey is re-energized and enhanced. Just as the hero’s journey, your journey is a marvelous example for my self and others, who traverse one moment, one movement, at a time.

Best regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Re: union with the goddess

many thanks for your comments,
i really liked your choice of words,
deeply moving passage!,for thats what it was,
and could have been the title of the dream.

i also re-read the story of persephone from greek mythology as i felt that it was infused in the dream,
i was stunned!
its like a shot in the arm ,and i am in awe of this stuff.

regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50 uk

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