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ex baoyfrienf in my house

I keep having reocurring dream about my ex being in my house.
Last dream I had we were together in a gardern with some friends and my sister finds a man for herself ( in real life she split from her partner) and my ex came and gave a hug and we suppose to go to town so I asked him wether we wlking or taking a bus, he said bus as we have more time to kiss, I checked to see if I had enough money and I had pleanty. Then all my family and relatives came out to the garden and I felt quite shy nad woke up.

in another dream he was having a wash at my parental home and he came out covering only his manhood. i dont know wether we were back together or not. I told him off saying that he should be more discreet as ther was my family.

in real life we broke up because his family didnt like that a belonged to a different religion.

Please advise.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: London 35

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: ex baoyfrienf in my house

I think the subject title explains much of your dream. Your boyfriend is still in your house. In metaphorical dream language the house is you. And even though you have broken up with your boyfriend there are remaining remnants of the relationship that linger. He is still on your mind, if not consciously then unconsciously {you may have lost your feelings for him but the relationship, some asepcts, perhaps why it ended still remain}.

The dreams may reflect the 'hurried' end to the relationship due to the influence of his family. In the second dream your ex is needed to cleanse himself of parental control. By not doing so he covers {betrays} his manhood by giving in to his parents wishes. This may be how you really feel about how and why the relationship ended. You may feel he isn't much of a man to give in to his parents.

Your sister being is your dream is probably due to the fact that the two of you have something in common; both have recently ended relationships. The part about the money may reflect the state of your well being sine the breakup. That and the garden. Both would indicate that dispite the breakup you have plenty of inner resources to prosper without him. The part about feeling shy is probably a true indicator of your personality. Are you shy in your waking life?

I think the dream message is a positive one in that it reflects your strong inner resourcefulness to move on. You may be shy in your waking life but the inner self has plenty of spunk to survive on your own.

One last thought about the metaphors in the dream. Your ex may also symbolize your own inner masculine self that may have been damaged due to the experience with your ex boyfriend. The hugging and going with 'him' would indicate you need to make up with that part of you. Your ex-boyfriend represents not only himself in the dream but also a part of your own inner masculine aspect. This is common in dreams. It addressed the outer life conditions as well as the inner conditions. To better understand your inner masculine aspects go to my page on the Anima/Animus.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Re: ex baoyfrienf in my house

Hi Gerard,

Thank you very much for your interpretation it does make sense, although we split 15 years ago.
You right I didn't consider him man enough for giving in to his parents altough later he tried to get back together and I refused although I still loved him and i hate to admit but everytime I dream of him the feelings come back and yes I am a bit shy.

I wondred to ask you what do you think of the dreams you dreaming at night and you see them real next day.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: London 35

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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