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sweetest touch

I have been in another country away from my boyfriend for a year, hoping to return when possible. The following dream has been repeating all this time: After a long time I am finnaly back to my boyfriends arms. We enjoy ourselves, just cuddling and huging. When there is time for us to have sex, there is always some interruption, so it never really happens. This dream is enough for me to feel close to him while being away - but why don't we make love?
Thank you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29, Europe

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Re: sweetest touch

Sex, or making love is the deepest emotional expression of how you feel about someone {or at least in therory it is}. It is the ultimate uniting of two people. In your dream, and in your thoughts, you are enjoying that love and relationship with your boyfriend {enjoy ourselves, just cuddling and huging}. But until you are reunited with him physically there is not the ultimate unity that you wish for. The sex represents that desire to be reunited with him.
Also, sex in dreams is often a straightforward expression of sexual desire. Since you have been away from each other for a period of time and you have done without sex, it is only natural to crave sex. You wouldn't be human if it were not so. Just ask Sigmund {Freud}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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