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Relationships and rape murder and toffee

Dreamed; A good fiend who has just been married confides in me, telling how she is unhappy and wants to leave her husband of one year. She wants to got to someone; but not to something intense, which our relationship in dream is. Intense. Lots of holding and head pressing but no kissing or sex. Sudden change to us hitch hiking in my home town, very rural. We are forced by an unknown thing to hide off the rural main road and underneath a cabbage patch, 4 foot high and about twenty feet long rectangular. Not enough room to stand but enough to crawl and lie down, we can see the cabbages growing above us very real. Her best fiend appears she is stunningly beautiful and attractice. She lies down underneath the cabbage patch suddenly four teenage boys come in telling us this is "their hideout". The best friend is set upon by the ringleader he wears red top and black shorts he pins her down hes trying to rape her she is trying to resist he puls a knife and stabs her stomache 3 times killing her he continues forcing her garmants. Her badly cut stomache turns to toffee and sponge cake which he packs to a nice square and begins eating gorging himself on her stomahce. My friend and I lay together forzen with fear. (Their is no nakedness or copulation seen in the dream but its definitely occurring.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29. Wellington New Zealand

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Relationships and rape murder and toffee

Your dream is most likely addressing some feminine aspect within your life, either real feminine relationships or inner feminine aspects, or both. Whichever it is may be better understood by the inclusion in the dream of 'one year'. Look at this time frame to see what if anything is the significance to your life.

This aspect, whether a real life waking experience or an inner condition, seeks recognition. It may be something that is in the thinking process but has yet to be fully acknowledged {it is on your mind but you have not given due diligence to its importance}. It is probably something that is intense at times but wanes when you try to sort out the details. It may be something you need to sort through but are reluctant to do so for one reason or another.

You seem to be need help in this aspect but progress is slow. There may be some unknown, possibly unconscious, attitude that keeps you from progressing in this matter. The cabbage, or cabbage patch, has real significance toi understanding your dream.
Could the cabbage patch have to do with monetary considerations in your life?

You may be hiding some of your masculine emotions as it has to do with the feminine in your life. Whether this is an actual waking life situation or more a focus on the inner feminine is hard to determine. Often it is both but which needs the mots focus is what needs to be determined. This feminine aspect is very attractive to you. If it is a waking condition then perhaps it has to do with women in general.
What is the status of feminine relationships in your life?
Perhaps this aspect, or lack of it, becomes overpowering at times. But when it comes to actions on your part, towards the feminine, you turn into toffee and are easily manipulated. It may have to do urges or desires.

Again, what is the status of feminine relationships in your life? Your dream seems to be addressing this subject. Let me know your thoughts and perhaps we can gain new insights to the possibilities to the dream message with your response.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Relationships and rape murder and toffee

Very close with mum,srained but endurable with my sister. No wife or current partner for around 3 years. Been inbetweens but nothing serious. Work with a lot of women. I feel i can relate to most women easily(but there are a few...). It always takes longer to relate to males:ego,law of the know? Thats the status of feminine relationships at the present juncture.Finding someone nice would be nice.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29. Wellington New Zealand

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Relationships and rape murder and toffee

That fits. Your personality is strongest around women but there is a lack of a feminine relationship in your life. Finding the right person is, and should be a slow process.

I think you put in correctly when you stated ' It always takes longer to relate to males:ego,law of the jungle....'. The scene with the four teenage boys, the best friend {a positive quality within you} is set upon by the ringleader {masculine ego/conflict} probably reflects your true inner self. As a person you have respect for the feminine, but society in general often does not.

All in all I believe the dream is reflective of that desire to find that right person. It is not just a sexual thing {there is no nakedness or copulation} but something from the heart, a real desire for the right person, a true love. And the positive aspects of your feminine self. The negatives are also present, reflective of your conflicts with the masculine ego world around you.

But there is a fear. Is it that you make a mistake in chooisng the right person? Are there other aspects of feminine relationships that get in the way {desire for sex, or companionship} that gets in the way of making a right choice? Your heart is in the right place but are you?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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