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Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

My dream:

I woke up and took a bath as usual, but the bathtub was in my room and the water was disgusting! It was a big square tub, the size of my bed, and very deep, not over my head though. I think there were fish swimming around in it! The bath just kept going and going. My sister joined me, my mom and dad joined me. I wasn't naked at this time, we all were in bathing suits.I changed ages in this bathtub....

I finally got out and went to put my contacts on as usual. The contacts were the size of a quarter and wouldn't fit, so I looked for another pair, this one was green and dirty, there was sand in the bottom of the case. I tried cleaning them, but couldn't get them clean enough to go in my eye. I just kept moving on to more pairs and they were either too small, or the wrong prescription.

My alarm clock rang, and I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27-Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

I've been researching on this some today. Is this a bad omen or sign-type of dream?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27-Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

Hi Kay,
The dream is a sign of sorts but probably not in the way you're thinking. Dreams most often tell us about ourselves, our inner self, and help bring to consiousness those unconscious aspects, situations and solutions.

Thoughts on your dream follow. This could be close or then again, not at all. The interpretation must fit with the dreamer.

Maybe you're becoming conscious of deeply held negative attitudes or emotions. Or conscious that you desire to get rid of these negative attitudes or emotions from you as they do not serve you in a positive manner. May indicate the attitudes or emotions contained deeply within. Your rational mind has the capacity to prevent you from drowning (keep your head above the water) in these negative attitudes or emotions. Fish are often symbols of personal growth, your true spiritual self or unconscious urges. This cleansing takes much of your time and attention. Or perhaps the desire to so has been with you a long time. The family could represent these attitudes or emotions were learned from and shared by the other members of your family. Or that these parts of self are viewed as parts of your inner family, your entire self. “Not naked’ could be not exposing the truth, hiding or covering up. If changing ages is younger to older this possibly shows this is necessary to becoming a more mature person or personal growth.

You try to leave these behind, get out. Contacts correct vision, enable clearer sight however the contacts were too large possibly indicating the focus too vast needing to be more narrow, there fore not a good fit. Possibly showing the remedy you’ve sought to these troubling views or beliefs do not fit with your inner self. So you seek out other ideas or philosophies that are more congruent with your inner values, trying them on for fit. Your continuing desire to get rid of these attitudes, beliefs or emotions drives your search although as you sift through these outer ideas and philosophies you find each does not fit with your inner values and inner self. Each lacking in some way.

IF this seems to fit with a part of you look to and examine what in your life this may apply to. Perhaps divining your own path based on your inner self, rather than relying on and accepting those of the family or social dictate will offer what you seek.

Please respond with your thoughts both about the dream and interpretation.

Many thanks,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

Wow! That's great to get such a clear interpretation. I continue to have the dream about the contacts. Last night, I dreamt that my mind was being controlled by my boyfriend. By the way, I'm almost 5 months pregnant with my fourth baby. This one is with a different dad. We live together and it's been pretty rough for the past few months. In the past, I've had weird dreams during pregnancy. I think most people do. I can definitely see what you're seeing in that I have not been going to church. My dad is the rabbi of a synagogue, but I was raised Christian. I feel very confused about religion right now. I've always been very spiritual and I feel like I'm missing something. So, your interpretation seems right on.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27-Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

Thank you for your response. Only too glad to be of service. A portion of a prior post by Gerard regarding spirituality and religion seems applicable here & follows.

spiritual/metaphysical as opposed to religious- Religion is based on the dogma of man, taken from a context of spiritual nourishment. Most religions deny the role of nature as a part of its dogma. Spirituality incorporates nature as a vital source of understanding and recognizing something within ourselves that resonates with the rest of nature. Whereas religion is a product of man's recognition of a spiritual aspect, spirituality is an aspect of nature within man/woman that is derived from the deepest resources within the soul.

spiritual/metaphysical- Spirituality is but one part of a metaphysical aspect within the psyche. Metaphysics also includes a creative spirit, the muse. We all possess some creative aspect. When we connect to that creative self and make it a vital part of our waking life, we find a kind of inner peace. When negative forces from the social realm or the waking ego tend to cause depression or gloom within ones life, you need merely turn to the inner resources of the creative spirit to lift you out of the depths of dispair. Of course deep rooted physical or psychological ailments can preclude one from accessing this creative spirit, but by reaching down into the inner soul and making the creative spirit an vital part of the waking life, many of these ailments can be resolved. It is nature's remedy.

Gerard has several great pages here on MDS that contain good information about spirituality and religion. Perhaps this will be helpful in the search to divine your own spirituality, a personal spirituality based on your inner beliefs.

A link to the Myths-Dreams-Symbols Site Directory

Again, many thanks for posting your dream and response. By doing so you provid us an opportunity to continue learning about dreams, our inner selves and the larger collective.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Re: Dirty Water and Restricted Vision?

You got a Wow! That's great to get such a clear interpretation. That is the highest compliment one can receive when interpreting a dream. Great work.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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