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Sex With Ex-Girlfriend


I have had this reccuring dream where I am with my exgirlfriend and we are just starting to see each other again (this is not happening in real life). They follow the same trend as the one I had last night. Here goes.

Somehow I meet up with my ex. She is generally with some other people, but I ask if she would like to go do something and she sort of begrudgingly goes along with it. Then she seems to warm up to me, and we end up starting to have sex, only for her to suddenly become disinterested during the middle of it and then leave. I usually feel really embarassed during this point and try asking her what is wrong, but she just says she wants to go or demands I take her back to wherever she had been before. I am left feeling frustrated and hurt.

In reality, she has been moving on. She has built up a whole new stockpile of friends and seems to be content with them. Early on in the breakup, she seemed to want to make things work out and we still talked from time to time, but not at all anymore (although I have tried). It has been about a year now since we've been broken up, and for the longest time I hardly thought of her, but suddenly the Great Old Man has been forcing her upon me in my dreams and waking life. What gives?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23, Pennsylvania

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Sex With Ex-Girlfriend

Dreams identify those aspects that have not yet been completely resolved. In your case it may not be so much an interest in getting back with your ex-girlfriend but probably unresolved questions over the relationship, and particuarily the breakup. In your dream it states 'we end up starting to have sex, only for her to suddenly become disinterested during the middle of it. This may in some way have to do with sex but look at sex as a metaphor {see dream dictionary}. The embarrasement you feel in the dream may also provide clues to the emotional aspects. Compare that to real life emotions and see where it may fit. And of course you will want to examine the metaphors as they have to do with your own feminine aspects {see Anima/Animus at left column}. There is always that aspect to consider no matter the implications the dream symbols may have to do with your waking life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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