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Sorry to flood but I have a lot.

I keep having this horrid recurring dream of catching an UGLY, filthy, gigantic fish out of a small dirty puddle. The fish tends to be flat and ribbon-like. In every dream I'm exited that I have the catch of my life until it comes out, usually hissing or chomping down with its hiddeous teeth. I need to know what this means.

My guess is that im not fishing in the right places.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, Phoenix

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Sorry to flood but I have a lot.

The under-water aspect of the dream is probably addressing unconscious aspects of yourself that needs to be identified and acknowledged. This ships in the first dream are probably aspects or vessels of emotions within you. The octopus may be the many different directions/emotions that are pulling on you. The fat, stupid man would be one of those aspects representing a negative aspect within you. These negative aspects are sucking the life out of you. Identify those negative aspects and you have a corresponding metaphor with the fat man in your dream {fat may symbolize over-inflated or over-indulgence. The man may be you, or a masculine aspect within you}.

This dream, the ugly gigantic fish out of a small dirty puddle, may be more direct in its approach to the negative aspects in the first dream. The fish may be you, the real you as opposed to the person you project yourself to be. The dirty puddle is probably the negative aspect that needs to be identified. Perhaps this small negative part of you has to much influence on the whole you.
Look at the narrative in the dream about being excited having caught the 'catch' of your life, umtil it comes out. Where would this fit into your waking life, what experiences would this represent? Once you identify this metaphor you will understand what negative aspect is sucking the life out of you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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