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Questionnair for Posted Dreams

I have given much thought to the questionnair for those who post their dreams. I believe to protect privacy and not to turn people off I will provide a detailed questionnair but the answers will be private information. Besides keeping the information private the format will solve the problem of posting the detailed info {Bravenet Forums does not provide a way to do so}. It is easy to design a questionnair using e-mail. I will let the dream poster allow or dis-allow sharing any information. Any shared info I can pass on to others at the Forum. Such a questionnair when used will provide needed information that will help us all give our best interpretation. We all want to be of help, positive help that provides real answers that may make a difference. This may be a tool that helps us in that endeavor.

All comments are welcomed. I hope to have the time over the next several weeks to put it all together. I'll provide drafts before hand and all can provide their thoughts and suggestions.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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