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Male roomie - Cooking ingredients - God graffiti - A home run?


I am moving to some apt, with a new male roommate staying in a room downstairs. My current boyfriend leaves. I go downstairs and he is getting up. I talk to him and ask him how things are going. There appeared to be some obstruction of furniture in his way. Looking out the window, I see young kids gathering together before heading to school. They are fairly loud. The window shade automatically closes.
I think of making dinner for all of us. A gfriend comes over and asks why i'm buying for everyone.
An older woman appears, she has some lemon peel powder mix called 'chine'. I want more and begin to plan how to find it and pick it up at a store.I began to think how much I enjoyed having a male roommate and making dinner. I was planning on making a casserole and began drumming up a list of ingredients to cook for everyone.

Next scene, I remember being dressed in a comical outfit, walking barefoot. Climbing over fences & rocks with a friend. There was graffiti all around. Being barefoot, I could feel the energy of the ground where the graffiti marked the surface.
I looked forward and saw a bridge, with further graffiti boldly displayed in writing, "God" and "Saul". I was told (or it was understood) that this was the light, happy part where kids play. Strangely, I began to think of the Red Sox player, Jason Varitek (?) and heard my friend telling me he was 'really cute' & we could find him hanging out in this area. This is were he grew up as a child & we could find his name in the graffiti somewhere. Self-consciously, I began to think of my outfit. That I would look better in form-fitting jeans to meet this person. Yet, the friend & I continued to walk through the terrain & graffiti with our bare feet looking for him.

I remember going into a car with young women, trying to guess their age and if I was too old to be with them (At this point I had a vague recollection of an old friend from my late teens', early 20's).

Later, I was at a fair, standing next to an older woman who sat at a booth promoting Olivia Newton John (where do I come up with these people? LOL) I asked this older woman if Olivia was here to meet us. She replied, "No, just impersonators."

I recalled over & over in my head the list to buy dinner and began to see visuals of me running through a grocery store. Then a new home appeared and I woke up, with an image of an unfamiliar home as my last vision.

Thank you!
Sweet dreams,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 + California

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