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swords and guns

It was very vivid, but I'm losing the details.

I had to fight a giant and his three (normal sized) sons with a katana. I won easily, but the son's followed me into a toystore and we continued to fight. My sword slowly turning into a toy, as did there's and I discarded it.

Then we were all in a fort, made of oak and it was deffinately western-ish. I had rifle, but only one bullet. I was being very aggressive with it which is strange, I'm usually defending myself. I shot, some randome guy, but then the oldest of the brothers attacked and shot me, in the arm.

I'm not sure how they fit in, but there was my grandmother's house, an old dog of mine and a woman who was about to commit suicide turned into a bear, and changed her mind.

Um, that's the other one that have been stumping me. Thanks for any comments.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18

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