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I keep having this dream, ive had it 3 times in the past 2 weeks and i always wake up crying and then for the rest of the day im distressed.
Its about my husband dying, in dream 1 he was murdered whilst protecting me but at the beggining of the dream it was some women who was trying to protect me but at the end of the dream i was crying as it had now turned out it was my husband that was protecting me but died in th process.
In dream to i dont know how it happned but i had tha same deep sad feeling as though my heart was broken and my husband wasnt anywhere in my dream and once agin i woke up crying.
In dream 3 which i had last night i dremt that my husband ws killed in and accident whiched looked like a small plane like a private plane and i recieved a phonecall telling me and once again i was in tears but in the next part of the dream he was alive again but had been told by doctors that he only had so long to live. these dreams are really upsetting me and my husband is blaming it on me as he thinks it has to be something in my head to make me dream them , obviously i know it must be worrying him as the dreams are about him but i hate these dreams, i wouldnt dream them on purpose, he is my husband and i love him.
I hope you can help me to find out what these dreams mean and why i keep having them.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this, it means alot to me knowing that you will try to help me

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 essex

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Re: death

Do not take the death symbols in your dream literally. There are symbolic, metaphors for aspects or experiences in your life.

Dreams use symbolic language and death is a common symbol. It should not be taken as a literal death but symbolic of something in your life that is coming to an end {or needs to come to an end} or needs changing. The inclusion of your husband in the dream concerning his death most likely is addressing some aspects of your relationship with him {the dream is always about you}, perhaps some instances where his 'protection' is needed but has ended for some reason or another. Below is a possible definition of protection from the Dream Dictionaries.

Definition: Dreaming that you are being protected or need protection indicates that you are feeling helpless in some situation. Life's difficulties has made you dependable on others. You need to start taking charge of the situation. Dreaming that you are protecting someone, suggests that you are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you. Consider who or what you are protecting for clues as to what aspect of your own self you are afraid of letting out and letting others know.

Or the symbolic meaning of your dream may be directed at your own masculine aspects. Those aspects may not be functioning as they should. Women are more emotional than men and when one becomes too emotional a dream may produce images where a masculine figure {here your husband} is seen as dying {the masculine aspect of being strong has given in to the feminine aspect of being too emotional}. Something has ended that needs to be restored, thus a death is part of the dream.

Most likely the dream is addressing both of the above; the relationship with your husband and your own masculine aspects. Have there been experiences with your husband where he sometimes provide adequate attention {protection} to your relationship and other times where you feel he does not fully live up to his responsibilities? You state that he blames most of these dreams as something in your head. Is there friction in your marriage that he blames on you? Every marriage has problems and these problems are a focus of our dreams with an attempt to help resolve them.

Again, death in dreams are almost always symbolic.

Let me know if this helps in your understanding of your dreams. If you can expand on the personal aspects in your marriage perhaps we can better understand the dreams meaning.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: death

Hi, thank you for your help, the only friction in our marriage is that i have had a very bad past where i have been cheated on and i was even raped at the age of 13, admitidly i was only young when all this went on but it has affected my life in a big way and i struggle to trust my husband, my heart knows that he loves me and wouldnt cheat on me as he feels very strongly about staying faitful and hates the thorght of anyone cheating but because of my past i do question him alot and its silly , im trying so hard to stop doing it but its such a struggle as i dont think i just open my mouth and question but the only reason i seem to do it is i feel as though i need to protect myself from being hurt and made a fool of again, i know it sounds crazy but im slowly getting better but it is a hard struggle as i hate questioning him and he hates it to, we both love each other lots and thats why we are working together to get this sorted

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 essex

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: death

Thanks for the additional information. I believe it connects some dots in your posted dreams with your actual life experiences. After all, dreams are about YOUR life and when we can understand those experiences we can compare them to your dreams and see the relationship{s}.

The protection your dreams are addressing may be about your very traumatic experiences at the age of 13 as well as lingering questions from past relationships that may apply to your husband. Dreams often address our inner fears. There may be that lingering doubt about your husband's fidelity {albeit unconscious and perhaps unfounded} because of your past bad relationships. The death in your dreams may be symbolic of those fears he will be like the others, the death representing the inner fears of an end to your trust in him. If he ever did commit such a sin you probably would want to 'murder' {symbolically speaking} him. But it could also contribute to the 'murder' of an already distrust in men in general due to your past experiences. Your emotional state of being {women in the first dream protecting you} may be a symbolic statement, the crying betraying your masculine aspect. A strong masculine aspect in women could be symbolically depicted as a man {in your case your husband} who protects you, and yet the fear he will fail in the process. So the symbolic value could be addressing your fears about your husband as well as your own masculine identity that no longer protects you.

The second dream seems to address your fears about trust in men.

The third dream seems to be adding to the first two. You fear the possibility that your husband will not fulfill the trust you have in him {the telephone call that he had died, or in symbolic language your trust in him has died}. But later in the dream he is alive, perhaps pointing to the fact that he has not committed any crimes to provide you with distrust in him but that there is still that fear he may {he is alive but has only so much time to live}. The doctors may be symbolic of healing, a need on your part to overcome your fears.

A note. Are there any questions to your husband's fidelity? If there are and there is a real need to be concerned, your dream may be addressing those intuitive aspects that pick up on truths the emotional mind overlooks. You will need to discern if there are real reasons to be concerned with your husband's actions or whether your fears are all in your head. Wish I could be more direct but only you know the truth about your relationships.

As for the dreams and your earlier traumatic experiences when you were 13. This undoubtedly has added {if not started} to your distrust in men. Even if you find that you can trust your husband this past experience was so traumatic and left such a strong impression on you when it comes to men {which was reinforced in later failed relationships} and trust, you may have a tendency to distrust when there is no real reason for it. Women are more naturally intuitive but that aspect may not be functioning properly due to these traumatic experiences. If the intuitive self is blinded by past experiences {your experience at 13 and your bad relationships since then} then you may not be able to be as objective as you should and suspicion will be the norm instead of what is true. You may need to go back to your experiences at 13 and investigate that more fully to determine if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed. The doctor in your dreram may be the healing that still needs to come from that past experience. Either way there seems to be a problem with trusting men and you will need to find a 'cure' for that.

I hope you understand the connections. You state in your follow up post that you tend to be suspicious and you are working hard not to be. That in itself could be symbolic of a lack of masculine aspects within your psyche {the feminine is suspicious}, thus the inclusion in your dreams of the death of the masculine.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: death

Hi Jemma

As I read your post I was remineded of a comment by Marion woodman, a noted Jungian analyst - it goes along the lines, if the dream is powerful enough to 'awaken' you, or you awaken due to the feelings it evokes, it's meaning is close enough to consciousness to be grasped. My comment, as much as presonal reflection as a comment to you, is - do we want to grasp its meaning ??

Another thought, that is realted to Gerards post - the husband dying in your dreams, could be a symbol of the death of your closest internal ally - your internal masculine. In what ways have you been compromising yourself ?

hang in there

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Brisbane Australia 47

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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