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rescue by instinct

i would welcome any comments on this dream,
heath ledger becomes stuck in a tube that is under a bridge,a stream flows through it becoming a waterfall on the other side,
i shout to him,i will put my arms in,grab hold and i will pull you out,
as i am saying this somebody else jumps into the stream to help.we both pull him out,
my method ,by the seat of his pants,
which i noticed were not expensive like levi's,
i have a feeling this dream is about ,instinct and reason,
instinct needing to be trusted,which i can relate to.
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: rescue by instinct

I had to look up Heath Ledger since I had no idea who he is {I don't get out much}. Why he is in your dream is probably due to personal preferences.

A tube is circular and under a bridge could represent the unconsious. The water fall may be unconscious contents {or intent} flowing out, which may represent the mystical {psyche}, or a cleansing effect.

You are rescuing yourself with the aid of helping hands? And you are doing so by the method you have trust in {we can probably assume that method is Jungian related}.

Rescued by the 'seat of the pants'. I'll let you expand on that. Inexpensive, not ego/material driven.

The instinctive aspects provided by nature. Nature is all about reason, cause and effect. With a tinge of the msytical. Science provides the answers and the asnwer to all things are within nature.

A day in the life of the hero.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Re: rescue by instinct

hi gerard,
the heath ledger association,is the movie,very aptly named ,a knights tale,one of my favourite movies,
the story is interesting as it charts the rise to knighthood of someone from the gutter,
who only achieves it after dropping his false image and being himself,
this sounds familiar !
of course you have said it,
a day in the life of the hero (journey),
to me the ,by the seat of ones pants,
is a ref to using past experience and instinct,
a bit like obiwan telling luke to swith off the computer and trust his feelings,he flew by the seat of his pants,
this is something i am now doing,
at the least, i can say,it has breathed a little magic,a litle awe, back into life.
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: rescue by instinct

Steve, with regards to the movie motif,
also think about the theme in "A Knight's Tale"
In the film, Heath Ledger's character takes risks.
Everyone (interestingly mainly 'peers') tells him he cannot become a knight (in psychological terms - a noble, 'higher,' developed psyche) because of his background/class/where he comes from.
In your dream, the character is 'stuck' in a tube.
Others' restrictions in the film (you can't become a knight)could represent your own or others doubts about your personal/psychological growth and development.
In the film, the character let's noone hold him back, because as you said " he is just himself"- he becomes who he is.
Perhaps the dream could represent the limitations and restrictions that have been holding you back and also
the journey still ahead of you.
You are rescued 'by the seat of your pants' by instinct. Instinct guides us when we make the decision to follow it, however, random it may appear to our logical minds at the time.

Remember there is no ' critical correcting' that help us become who we are, or some better, bigger hero figure ( a knight?). The 'holy grail' of personal growth is not some quest 'out there' - it is the slow, gradual rememberance of our innocence and who we actually are.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: Re: rescue by instinct

many thanks for your input,
i am glad you have seen the film,and you understand the themes and hero journey motifs held within the story,
your absolutley right,
i am no knight ,but as a journey towards the realization of the true self,the story is my story,
and most of what you have said has been a major part of my quest,especially doubts about my own psychological/spiritual growth,
my negative self has always got in the way and is something that is being dealt with,
not on a conscious level ,but on an unconscious one,
the invisible helping hands.
thanks again for your wisdom.
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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