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I dreamt last night that I was being chased by an orange and white snake and it kept following me
everywhere I moved. It had not caught up with me by the time I woke up
Can you interpret this for me??:)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Hi Mary

This is difficult, as a snake can symbolise sexual energy or temptation but can also symbolise energy etc - especially with orange - again orange can symbolise aggression but also can represent consciousness, energy etc.

Sometimes we have to decide what individual objects and motifs mean to us.
However, If you feel pressured or pursued in your waking life by a temptation or agressiveness either in yourself or another it is best to face it and find out why you feel this way.

Sorry not to be any more help

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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i have just been researching the colour symbology of chakras,
this may have some relevance or not,
the 2nd chakra is associated with sexuality and the emotions and is orange,
it is said,at this stage,
we encounter change for without change we cannot grow,
the fact that a snake was involved would perhaps enforce this possible interpretation,
due to the snakes ability to shed its skin and grow.
perhaps you are being confronted with some sort of change,
the thought of which may be giving you concern,
hope this is of help.
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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