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Performing an exorcism and taking on an tsunami

The first dream (very vivid) is of me exorcising a demon from a stranger. I observed someone else fail and fall prey and then I began speaking a different language like latin or something in short phrases in a set of 10. When I got the first four or five out the demon showed me his true self and I had a sense I had his name and I became stronger and continued until he possessed was free and the demon exorcised back to "hell." My second dream was the very next night. I dreamed I was in a place near the ocean and out of no where, a tsunami reared up hundreds of feet and I aided others (don't remember who, but I sensed they meant something to me) in shelter behind a strong building. The wave pummeled and I remember feeling free and light and powerful as the water soaked me thoroughly with absolutely no harm at all! Can anyone shed light?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38 MO

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Re: Performing an exorcism and taking on an tsunami

If one of the other contributors does not provide an interpretation to your dream today I will do so later or in the morning. Unfortunately I have to pay the devil {working to make a living} and my time is limited this morning. I try not to give interpretations unless I have I can give my full attention to each dream. Rest assured someone will provide an interpretation. Thanks,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Performing an exorcism and taking on an tsunami

Thanks...I'll await patiently.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38 MO

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Re: Performing an exorcism and taking on an tsunami

T W B,
Exorcising a demon from a stranger may symbolize removing unknown, unwanted and/or unrecognized negative aspects about yourself. I sense there is some spiritual {or religious} associations since the number 10 seems important to the dream {10 commandments?}. Are you dealing with some type of 'personal exorcism', trying to get rid of certain bad habits or compulsions? If is truly spiritual then it would be a positive dream in that you are trying to remove those bad aspects and are acting to enhance personal growth. If is religious {yes, they can be quite different} then it may be addressing the personal growth aspect but also the real thing that is hindering that growth. The true self you talk about in the dream would be much more spiritual and a lot less religious.

The second dream

Oceans often symbolize the deep unconscious where all things about your life that make you who you are stored in a reservoir. You will find your deepest emotions in these 'waters', how you truly feel about yourself and life around you. You will also find the 'seeds' or causations to why you who you are and why you do the things you do.
Being near the ocean would indicate you are ready, or about to realize something within this ocean of emotions/aspects of who you are. Often a tsunami {catastrophic ocean waves} would indicate ome type of personal upeaval in ones life. In your dream you are 'aiding' others which may represent aiding particular aspects in your life {waking life} and also aiding certain deeper aspects that will/can lead to a stronger person {personal growth}. You may be feeling conflicting emotions about certain aspects of your waking life that are affecting the deeper self {this may be where religion and spirituality conflict}. Since the last part of the dream speaks of no harm done because of this tsunami, that would indicate a positive result will come about if and when you do confront these conflicting emotional aspects in your life {the underlying reasons for the tsunami, which is found in the deepest ocean, your true feelings which are natural and stem from nature {spirituality is natural, religion is forced}.

Is there conflict with spiritual or religious aspects? What 'tsunami' are you experiencing or have recently experienced that may have freed you from certain restraints in your life? The dream seems to be addressing personal growth questions, perhaps to do with the deep spiritual. This spiritual aspect may be in conflict with the dogma you have learned throughout your life.
What conflicts are present in your waking life? Place those in a context with my interpretation of the symbols and see if they fit. Your response may provide insights to the dream message.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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