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the number 4

following the recent post by gerard on jung and the number 4, and some in depth follow ups,
i had the following dream,
i include it not so much for interpretation as i understand what it refers to,
but open to comment,
the dream,
i watch as 4 reptilian type gods cut a male into 4 pieces
i make my way into a square white room, (4 walls).
from the roof hang 4 chains,in each chain there is a huge oval cut diamond,(again 4),
i am with two other males and a female,4 of us,
my function is to somehow retrieve the diamonds,
i hit each one 4 times ,they pop out,
the gods tell us,their value will be honoured,
this value being £9000 each,
one of the gods offers us a cheque for £150,000,because the diamonds may be fake,and worthless,
i say no because i feel them to be real.
he smiles,
i realize in the dream this is a test to see if we are worthy for the challenge to come.
i find myself in a queue ,i am 4 from the front,
a female comes over to me,she is exactly four foot higher than me,i have to stand on a chair,four legs,
i am waiting to collect the value of the diamonds,the counter i have to go to is no 4,
my awareness in the dream was drawn in all cases to the number 4,

to say the no 4 is present is an understatement,
i have never had a dream so bombarded with a number,

do you think its important!
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: the number 4

Again I see much symbolism one would see in dreams of a person who is traveling the hero path. The only conclusion I can see to the significance to the number 4 repreating itself in the dream is a possible realization of this wholeness. You may be at the 'threshold' of A major realization. Which threshold is the real question {Campbell's dictate; life is a series of trials and realizations}. Many of your recent dreams point to these possiblies. I am of the opinion that there is a universal 'threshold' for many of us about to take place. Your dreams may be fortelling {something dreams do not often do, although the universal mind is very capable} of your own coming experiences which would be a part of the 'universal' threshold. I believe 2007 will be an important year for us all, but even more important for those who are in tune with the natural forces within life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Re: the number 4

hi gerard,
i agree with what you have said, although i don't fully understand what the future holds,
my own initial findings on this dream again are shamanic in origin,the ritual dismemberment by ancient beings,the reptilian gods,and i even found a ref to the placing of crystals in the dismembered body,
i have come across this same symbolism in most of the shamanic traditions,
full of death and rebirth symbolism,and of course that no4,
something is definately going on,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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