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Random Sex Dreams

I was just wondering about sex dreams. I have about 3 a week. Random ones. Some are with my husband. Some are with women. Some are with myself (like I am the man having sex with me). Some are me just trying to sneak around and have an affair but it never happens. Some are me trying to convince my gay guy friends to have sex with me just because I need to get laid. And some are with animals. Some are with my friends, my girl friends. Some are in wierd places like the middle of a store, where everyone can see. Or other public places. And some sex dreams are of me with food.
They all seem very random. But my husband thinks that I need to go see someone about them or that I am a sex addict.
I don't know.
I do have a great sex life with my husband and we have been together 10 years and happy.
If you need more info about any of the dreams listed above please let me know.
I just always figured that I was creative. I don't know.
Also, if anyone has weird sex dreams like me please share.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, Utah

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Random Sex Dreams

There is most definitely an element of Freudian symbolism in your dreams. That is not wholly uncommon or unnatural {more often we see it in men's dreams}. The dream may be focusing on how liberated of a woman you are when it comes to your sex life. Your follow-up post gives cause to believe that is the case.

Is sex an important aspect of the relationship, what most may find beyond the norm {how many times do couples actually have sex during the week}? Is it you have dreams of sex 3 times a week or a real desire for sex 3 times a week {or more}? There may even be desires for exploration of your sexual self.
That altogether is not unnatural either. Those things that preoccupy our waking hours are the focus of our dreams at night. An overactive libido may cause certain conflicts and dreams will reflect that. What you can't fully work through when awake, your dreams will help you do so while you sleep.

There are other possibilities to consider as to the reasons for your sex dreams but they would most likely be secondary {dreams usually address more than one aspect}. The interactions in your dreams with different people of different sexes and different sexual preferences suggests for me you are dealing with issues involving many aspects within yourself. These people could represent those aspects. In dreams of sex your partner{s} may symbolize some part of your own psyche, for example, your anima if you are a male, or your animus if your are a female {or in your case both}. The reason for this mat be that you are searching for that true self, that thing in life that provides the soul's desire. Things come together, trying different approaches, sex in dreams can represent these aspects as well. Physically you parlayed into a more active sexual being but on the inside you may be searching for something deeper.

You mentioned creativity. Is that creativity with sex or is that creativity 'muse' wise? Joseph Campbell says that sex and love come from the same chakra level. Creativity can be expressed in the same terms as love. It is the a true express of Self. You may be seeking that deeper creative Self, a joining of all aspects that a creative person would desire to possess {sex with men, women, straights, gays, etc.}.

Your thoughts on my response may help clarify these sex dreams. Looking back at your 'Baby and Snakes-disturbing' I can begin to understand the messy situation these dreams, and attitudes, may cause. The black snake could very well be a Freudian symbol for the penis. Ways of changing the 'messy situation' may be on your mind, and in your dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Random Sex Dreams

Wow, this is my new favorite site. I love being able to share my dreams and not feel judged. I am still confused--am I sexually frustrated? I do have sex serveral times a week with my husband. I never tell him "No" because I know that if I am not in the mood--I will be as soon as we get started. I don't have any problems with not climaxing. I have always found that to be easier than most women. (at least compared to my friends).
But what I don't understand is that I have weird dreams about people that I KNOW I am not seeking approval from.
For example: I had a dream that I was fingering Queen Latifa. (And I have NO feelings towards her-believe me) I am a small skinny blonde girl.
Another example: I had a dream that I was camping with friends and a beaver kidnapped me and was trying to drag me back to his damn because he loved me.
Any Ideas?
Oh, and I have way more dreams to evaluate if you need them.
I am sure that I will add more dreams later but I just don't want to overwhelm you right now.
Thanks again

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26, Utah

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Random Sex Dreams

The people in your dream that you seek approval of represent aspects of your own psyche. You use these people because you identify with some aspect they possess. You are not seeking approval from them but from yourself. It may be that because you do have a high sexual appetite you feel there is something wrong with that {there may be reasons for your sexual appetite but as long as it doesn't cause unreasonable conflicts in your life there is no reason to believe there is a problem with it} and there is a need of approval from yourself.

The beaver is most likely a analogy for a woman's genitals. Perhaps you feel that your sexual libido has kidnapped you. Because you do have a high sexual appetite you may feel there is something abnormal about it {most women would luv to be your position-especially when it comes to orgasims}. Abnormal, no. Unusual, perhaps.

As for judging. The contributors look at everyone without prejudice. One of Jung's more contraversial philosophies is we all possess a spiritual {different from religious} aspect. In that light we at the Dream Forum do not judge people. Our desire is to help and inform. We all are equal and at the Forum respect and acceptance is given to everyone.

You are welcome to post any dream{s} you wish. Hopefully you will look deeper into the pages at Myths-Dreams-Symbols or Dreams A 2 Z and find tools that will be helpful in your personal growth. Dreams help you better understand yourself and why you are who you are. We hope to help everyone in that endeavor.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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