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Fire Dream

I had a strange dream the other night and have been having it since all through the day..Its like it haunts me..Its been 4 nights since it happened and i keep thinking about it..In my dream i woke up and saw that my boyfriend and puppy werent in the bed with me so i got up to see where they were. They were both in the living room and my boyfriend was putting potted plants everywhere in the house..i sat down in my usual chair and lit a cigarette and my boyfriend was standing behind me smoking and an ash fell from his and then i noticed something out the corner of my eye and looked out the window of the front door and saw flames coming up from the front porch..i yelled at my boyfriend that the house was on fire and told him to grab the cat and grabbed the two puppys and ran outside and started down the porch stairs when i noticed neither of our vehicle where out front so i started around the side of the house to an old farm truck we have and it was pouring the rain as i ran to the truck to put the dogs in it so they wouldnt be in harms way..Then i woke up gasping for air and sat straight up in the bed..The dream was just so real, i mean everything in it..I had on the same bed clothes and so did my boyfriend and it was raining outside in my dream just like it was when i woke up..It was all just to real and really freaked me out..A friend of mine thought that it might have been from being turned on sexually is why i dreamt of fire and the rain was coolin me of sexually or that its all the angry i have bottled up about something that have been going on lately but i dunno...Its just weird and i was wanting to get some other opinions on it from some ppl that read dreams and know more about them

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 25 West Virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Fire Dream

the brain even while asleep, can pick up things going on outside,like pouring rain,hail,wind etc via your ears,
and it would have no problem in showing representations of any physiological fluctuations during sleep,temperature changes,needing the bathroom,and incorperating these into the dream ,
fire and water are opposites,which would suggest some sort of conflict,
fire is masculine,water is feminine,
in the dream you are the one doing all the running around,
feedback will help you move forward into the area this dream is ref to,
hope this starts the ball rolling.
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yep

Re: Fire Dream

With the new year here, there are adverts about loosing weight and giving up smoking swarming onto the TV during the adverts. Are you trying to give up smoking? Or have you thought about it or been made to think about it by others? Where there's smoke, there's fire, so maybe you wont be compleatly happy until you've put that cigarette down-and if im wrong, hey, it can only do you good.
Do you have a fear of loosing something important to you, your hurried rescue of your animals might represent your worries about loosing something you love.
As steve said, your body is not compleatly closed off from the outside world while you sleep. The ability to hear things during your sleep, comes from our caveman ancestry, when we would need to wake up if something was about to eat us.
Don't worry about the dream, just search yourself for any worries that you may have about loosing things, and maybe you should give up smoking anyway. It will give you a more relaxed sleeping pattern, and more relaxed brain activity during sleep.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 surrey

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: Fire Dream

In addition to insights from Steve and Nathalie the following MAY be relevant.

The dream may address inner feelings of betrayal and abandonment as it relates to your boyfriend. Do you suspect, or have knowledge of something he did that you do not agree with and this now endangers the relationship? Perhaps his intent was good, yet you perceive his actions as ‘going behind your back’. After the fact you suspect or learned of his actions thus you felt anger, expressed it openly perhaps unable to control your emotions. In the confrontation you ‘yell at him’ about not honoring your wishes, and the relationship. The anger may be founded on fear of losing something you value. After the emotional release, possibly some self protective measures are put in place now holding something outside the relationship.

This is just a possibility. Please respond with your thoughts on the dream and interpretations offered. We may then be able to assist you interpret the your dream.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: Fire Dream

In regards to the comments left on my dream i really appreciate all the insight and any of them are possible. My boyfriend and i have been having some problems recently due to him hiding things from me and makes me feel betrayed. I had never thought of that being the reason for a dream like that but it is a good possibility considering we had had a fight the same nite as the dream about what has been going on. I try to talk to him about whats going on but he never wants to hear what I have to say and that hurts me even more that he doesnt want to to hear my feelings on what he is doing and refuses to change and stop what it is that bothers me so. So there is another thing i have been unsure of recently other than having strange dreams which i have been having more off and will post for you to read. But thanks to all of you for all and any insight you give me!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: west virginia 25

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Fire Dream

Thank you for your response and details on how this dream could apply to your personal life. Dream interpretations on the Forum offer possibilities of meaning to a dreamer. The dreamer actually interprets their dream as only they have knowledge of the details about their life. Dreams only seem strange when we do not understand the intended meaning. Once the unconscious communication is understood, through interpretation of the symbolism as metaphors, dreams no longer seem strange. Understanding the meaning of your dreams opens a doorway into self realization. You’re your level of recall you may find it useful to keep a dream journal and learn to interpret you dreams. Dreams can guide us in many ways from seeing a situation as it truly exists, rather than as we wish it to be, to resolving problems and issues, to understanding our true selves.

The leading statement of your dream ‘I woke up’ could symbolize becoming aware of your boyfriends lack of loyalty. The puppy being truth and loyalty. The bed being relationship you and your boyfriend share. The house would represent you. The living room an aspect of your inner Self. These things, the relationship and loyalty, lay within you. What the potted plants represent the things he hides from you and would have personal meaning. Sitting in the usual chair could be waiting for him to change his ways. Smoking would be internalizing the anger, keeping it inside. The ash would be the accumulated past negative actions. Falling as reaching the limit of what you could accept or endure. Fire on the porch is external expression of the anger. Yelling at him a literally as the verbal confrontation and expressing your feelings of anger to him. In the argument you tell him to honor your wishes, grab the cat, and your truth and loyalty now expressed as two puppies. A desire to escape or leave behind the argument and the anger. Rain as the emotional release, crying. The missing vehicles as not having a clear direction of where the relationship is headed, it goes nowhere. Perhaps you now believe truth and loyalty are traits to be cultivated in him.

After the argument, did you think about truth and loyalty experienced in a former relationship or perhaps a prior state of the current relationship? That may be what the old farm truck represents. Or perhaps a desire to return to a time in the relationship where he did not act in a manner that he now does.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: Fire Dream


Wow is all I can say..It feels like you are hitting the nail on the head because everything you say makes so much since..And yes I do want him to change back to the way he used to be because the way things are going now if it doesnt change we are going to continue down hill till there is no way out. Things have been rocky between us and hopefully will get better after this weekend but I have been having a lot of of dreams and I think that each one some how is showing my emotions. I posted another one the other day called "The Ocean Is A Monster" Since you seem to have so much insight and now know some of my background I would appreciate you reading that one and letting me know what you think of it too..Thanks for all your insight and for anything else you can fill me in on..I appreciate everyones help!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 West Virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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