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New 1430 Owner needs Points Cover & Engine Info

I bought what I am told is a 1977 1430 Speedex this weekend. Looking it over I noticed that the points cover on the front of the engine is missing. Anyone know where I can get one? Also what type and model engine is this? I want to buy a repair manual but I need this information first and I don't see any S/N. Thanks.

Re: New 1430 Owner needs Points Cover & Engine Info

If you do have a 1430 then the engine should be a briggs and stratton 14hp. The model and type number are if your looking straight at the flywheel side of the engine are on the right hand side of the air shroud just below where the shroud goes from straight to rounded. Hope that helps. Also you can go to briggs site and you can get a printable owners manual and IPL for that engine. All you need is the 2 numbers.

Re: New 1430 Owner needs Points Cover & Engine Info

You probably have a 16 hp Briggs 326437 like mine, same as the 1630. I heard a rumor that 1430's were supposed to get a 14 hp Koehler, but the order fell through and Briggs came through with a 16 hp but they kept the name. The Briggs has been a real workhorse.

If I am thinking of the same cover, it is basically a box bent out of thin gauge sheet metal held on with a couple of metal screws. If so, you probably can't get it from Briggs, but you could make one or have it made cheap.

You can, however, get the parts list and the maintenance guide from Briggs here:

I think the type is 229, but I can't remember off the top of my head. Good luck. You will find it really easy to work on.