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Speedex paint color

Over the years there has been plenty of talk and inquiries about the proper paint to use to replicate the "Speedex Red". Part of that discussion has included the opinion that somewhere in the past, the hue of that color had changed. I happen to have bought a quart of "Genuine Speedex Red" paint around 1995 from TransTech. Just his week ( after 16 years!!) I opened it up and sprayed a couple parts with it. Now here is the rub. What TransTech sent me was Sherwin-Williams "Kem-Acqua #280" water based paint with a custom label that just said "Speedex Red". No color # nor reference #. I have four Speedexs,from `64 to `94, and a `95 Strongland. The color resulting from this water based paint was closer to the Strongland "Burgundy" color than to Speedex Red. In `94/`95 Speedexs were made in PA in the Strongland plant. Perhaps there was a common paint used?? I'll answer my own question. No. My `94/5 1892 is Red not Burgundy. That all being said, with a a little paint left over in the gun, I sprayed a few samples on cardboard. If any one would like a sample just ask. Perhaps time has changed it but it does not match my opinion of the proper color. But then again perhaps the hue change somewhere in the`80's?? Now as to the perfect match to the old Speedex Red: There are several 'Inexpensive" options. ie: TSC IH or MF Red are very close as is a rattle can of Krylon Cherry Red. BUT -- If you are only going to do this paint job one time and want to do a high quality job (ie: very expensive), use an Automotive paint, such as a Single Stage Acrylic Enamel w/ hardener, or for a super super expensive job, a BC-CC system. The color to use (Drum Roll please) 1975 GM # 5498. Each car line had a different name for it. Just take note that in auto paint, Red is the most expensive.

Re: Speedex paint color

Thanks for posting this info, I'll be doing a complete paint job on my 1330 in the next few months and was looking for the color. Now I need to find out what all gets painted.

Re: Speedex paint color

according this this article he says that "The red paint is actually International Red, and the yellow is the John Deere shade"


hope this helps!

Re: Speedex paint color

Most reds on the old units look very faded, once in awhile pulling a part will show the orig red. I'm not real fussy, I use what I can find in stores at this time. I think the IH red, think 1630 is real nice and is very good paint when bought thru IH dealers. I have also had good luck with Rustoleum's tractor paints in sprays, mostly using MF or the New Holland Reds on my last things painted. Can get in qts if you look around, but I do mostly rattle cans, expensive for whole tractor, but easier with less clean-up and such.