Bicycle Principles Community Feedback Forum

We invite STEM Learners, Instructors, Funders, and other Stakeholders to help make The Principles actionable

We seek to stimulate community-driven discussion as well as be informed by and react to feedback. By use of this forum, you consent to the inclusion of aggregated and anonymized comments in the use of publications developed by the Banbury Working Group (Principles Authors).
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Bicycle Principles Discussion
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Welcome to the forum!

Please use this space for discussion on anything related to short-format training, The Principles, and recommendations.

We are very eager to engage collaborators and capture work and viewpoints that were missed in our initial discussion. We also wish to identify groups, funders, and organizations interested in implementing the principles and recommendations.

Applicability beyond life sciences

Hi there,

My name is Angus Whyte and I work for Digital Curation Centre in the UK ( We are a partner in the recently launched EU project Skills4EOSC ( The project is very much concerned with short-format training, for developing the professional roles that support Open Science, and mainly in the context of the European Open Science Cloud. The Bicycle Principles and the Recommendations look very relevant.

My question is just about how specific to Life Sciences this work is intended to be. Is this just reflecting the interests of NSF and your community, or are there other reasons why it might be limited to this domain?



Re: Applicability beyond life sciences

Hi Angus,

Thanks for sharing your important work. Our manuscript is still in development, but we agree - this is not something that is limited to the Life Sciences. Since we happened to start with funding from that area, many of our examples will draw on this experience. We'd certainly be interested in hearing more of your thoughts and are currently recruiting for some focus group discussions: - you may also be interested in our community/Slack for improving short format training: - again most problems (and solutions) will not be exclusive to life science areas.

Re: Applicability beyond life sciences

Hi Jason,

Thank you! I am sure colleagues in our project will be interested and will offer comments. Hopefully we will participate in the focus groups as well.

Best wishes,
