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                                               Brother Larry Ritchey                      " Free Spirit " Artist: Jillane Curreen

 When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support,  to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.  They are there for the reason you need them to be.  Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.  Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.  Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.  What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.  The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.  

There are many different responses to crisis. Most survivors have intense feelings after a traumatic event but recover from the trauma; others have more difficulty recovering — especially those who have had previous traumatic experiences, who are faced with ongoing stress, or who lack support from friends and family — and will need additional help.

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Distracted officer driving a prisoner transport van fails to yield my right away and hits me.

Hello my name is Victoria Mummert I am writing about my father's accident for him as he cannot do it himself in his condition.

On March 12, 2008 in the morning my father was on way to work on his motorcycle. As he was driving on a straight road past the prison entrance an officer driving a philly prisoner transport van made a left turn over the yellow double lines and slammed right into my dad throwing him 50 feet off his bike into a telephone pole. My father's left leg was mangled, torn muscle, and the bones were shattered. He broke 8 ribs, one punctured his lung. The left wrist and right elbow dislocated, left index finger broken. His full face helmet saved any head injures but he had torn lidaments in his neck.His heart stopped and his breahing was weak and i still thank god that the doctor working for the prison was just pulling into work when it happened and started CPR. K-9 unit officer held my father's leg from bleeding out.Shortly he was taken to the hospital were my family and I waited. There was nothing they could do for his leg and had to amputate it. He was placed in ICU and put in a induced coma. During all this he suffered a stroke weaking his left side. After several surguries later he finally woke up Easter day. It took 3 months for him to completely wake up. He is out of rehab and in a wheelchair, he is unable to use his left arm from the stroke and his left eye is weak causing double vision. He is in the process of getting a prosthesis.It has been a horrible 3 months but I'm happy that my father is alive and the progress he has made. My father isn't gonna give up his love of riding and is wanting to join a group of fellow amputee bikers like himself to ride with.Thank you for having a wonderful website to share our stories. God bless you all.

Re: Distracted officer driving a prisoner transport van fails to yield my right away and hits me.

Victoria, it's good to hear of your father's progress. While it is tragic that these things happen, it's important that the world sees we can not catagorize who causes these events to happen. Any and all of us are suseptable to the act of distraction. It's not "blood thirsty idiots" it's any one in socioty at any given time. It can only serve as a reminder that no one can let their guard down. Even an agent of our public sevices can do wrong. I hope the healing continues to bring your father back to where he wants to be with his life. Strength, prayers, and best wishes to you all. You've found a wealth of support and concerned strangers who will not be strangers long if you need them. Please let us know how things go. Get well, Gregory.