My dearest Vincent if this is the greatest country in the world as you say (despite the drugs, prostitution, murders, teen-suicide &pregnancys, racism, recession, aids, homelessness, unemployment etc) Then in what condition is the rest of the world? Besides I have nothing vs the country its the government and its policies that I see brought about an excuse for a desperate people to unleash their fustration and aggravation after so many years of torment.
BTW There are many parts of the US (particularly in Kentucky, Missippi and Texas and in many urban ghettos) where u would believe that u were in a thirld world nation!
As for the Taliban; well that is our goverments Frankenstien; let them deal with!
Oh and BTW as for benevolence in ten years the US has sent approx (UN reports) $110 Million to Afghan. Seems like a lot? Not if you consider that A baseball player named A. Rodriguez just signed a 7 year contract for $250 Million!
I woke up a long time ago Vincent now its your turn.
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Replying to:
Unbelievable! What wrong could you possibly be talking about my friend...this is the greatest country in the world and most benevolent....maybe you need to move and set up residence in some third world nation! The one paying for the wrongs committed right about now are the Taliban....
WAKE UP!!!!!
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Replying to:
I not a bible-buff nor do I subscribe to any of those so-called "holy-scriptures", but reap what you sow comes to mind as does Colossians chapt 3 25th verse (KJV) which states ...he that doeth wrong shall recieve for the wrong which he hath done.....
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Replying to:
I was just wondering if perhaps the events of September 11 tied in Biblically at all. I mean was this horrific event possibly prophesized anywhere in any scripture be it the Bible, Koran, Popul Vuh, Hopi prpophecies etc? Seems like to me that they could have been avoided and that a higher power would have warned us of such an impending disaster.
Not that "man" would have heeded anyway due to our pride, arrogance and un-quenchable greed.
That's right pimp. Our capitolist civilization only worsens others problems. Consider Live Aid. We raised 5 million dollars and gave millions of africans food for a couple weeks, but at the same time we destroyed their economy and leet them starve for decades there after. Or the fact that we look up to Bill Gates, because he gives away millions of dollars to charity, but don't relize that he's worth trillions of dollars and gets every penny back. I propose we raise the luxury tax as high as possible, make the Japs pay for protectection, have all the counties that borrow money from us pay us back, and then use the trillions of dollars made from just that to lower our taxes and fix all this country's problems.
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Replying to:
My dearest Vincent if this is the greatest country in the world as you say (despite the drugs, prostitution, murders, teen-suicide &pregnancys, racism, recession, aids, homelessness, unemployment etc) Then in what condition is the rest of the world? Besides I have nothing vs the country its the government and its policies that I see brought about an excuse for a desperate people to unleash their fustration and aggravation after so many years of torment.
BTW There are many parts of the US (particularly in Kentucky, Missippi and Texas and in many urban ghettos) where u would believe that u were in a thirld world nation!
As for the Taliban; well that is our goverments Frankenstien; let them deal with!
Oh and BTW as for benevolence in ten years the US has sent approx (UN reports) $110 Million to Afghan. Seems like a lot? Not if you consider that A baseball player named A. Rodriguez just signed a 7 year contract for $250 Million!
I woke up a long time ago Vincent now its your turn.
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Replying to:
Unbelievable! What wrong could you possibly be talking about my friend...this is the greatest country in the world and most benevolent....maybe you need to move and set up residence in some third world nation! The one paying for the wrongs committed right about now are the Taliban....
WAKE UP!!!!!
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Replying to:
I not a bible-buff nor do I subscribe to any of those so-called "holy-scriptures", but reap what you sow comes to mind as does Colossians chapt 3 25th verse (KJV) which states ...he that doeth wrong shall recieve for the wrong which he hath done.....
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Replying to:
I was just wondering if perhaps the events of September 11 tied in Biblically at all. I mean was this horrific event possibly prophesized anywhere in any scripture be it the Bible, Koran, Popul Vuh, Hopi prpophecies etc? Seems like to me that they could have been avoided and that a higher power would have warned us of such an impending disaster.
Not that "man" would have heeded anyway due to our pride, arrogance and un-quenchable greed.