Re: THe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
I have noticed that the Mormons did talk about the native Americans being the Lost Tribes of Israel. I believe they called them Lamanites. Would like more info concerning this.....
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Replying to:
The Church of JEsus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aKa the Mormon Church, has another testament of JEsus Christ, the Book of Mormon. It is true doctrine about ancient peoples who were warned by God to leave jerusalem and go to the "Promised Land" or America as we know it. The root of those people are from Mennassah and Ephraim as it is said in the Book of MOrmon. That is just something for yout o ponder about, but i know this book is true!
Re: Re: THe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
This coming from a group that believe in poligamy? Ya may be pimpin' it theoligacally, but ya don't even relize all you are retarded jews. One last thing, Shalom and holla back.
Re: Re: Re: THe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
yes the native americans are the lost tribes of israel and the blacks are the tribes or judah and benjermin
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Replying to:
This coming from a group that believe in poligamy? Ya may be pimpin' it theoligacally, but ya don't even relize all you are retarded jews. One last thing, Shalom and holla back.