Wow, never heard of it. I haven't read any Pearl S. Buck novels other than the Good Earth. As I recall it was excellent so I am sure anything else of hers would be good as well. I would love to read more, but I am afraid that would have to go to my ever growing wish list for things to do in my ever decreasing time!
Of course, I am still waiting for Waiting to Live, Strike the Tent and Fate! Where the hell are these movies!
Oh yeah, just a quickie thing off subject. I heard a great line from the movie Simon (about a little boy with dwarfism, don't know child actors' names, but it has Ashley Judd and Oliver Platt). Time is a monster we cannot control. It moves as a snail at our impatience and runs like a gazelle when we cannot catch our breath.
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Replying to:
The Living Reed
Has anyone heard/read etc anything about this film, shot in Korea, based on a well known Pearl S. Buck novel? Back in 1997 it was listed as 'in post-production'.
Lee Majors, and various other actors were listed in the cast, but has not been released to my knowledge.
I gather that it is quite common for the money to run out on the last day of filming, and then to look for additional funds to pay for post-production. This seems to be where/what happened to The Living Reed, from an articel note I found about post-production status, in Korea. ( If I could read Korean maybe I wouldhave found more?
Watched a docu. a while ago following the aussie director of 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert', Stephan Elliott making his third film (Eye of the Beholder), with Ewan McGregor, and there were so many things that can seemingly getting in the way, that had nothing to do with the original vision or screenplay or the cast/directors and so much more to do with the business of getting it produced/marketed. I think in the end they had to rewritethe ending and the director used his own money to complete it. [I actually haven't checked to see if it was ever released (should do that) - oh yep, was released in 1999].
Waitin'To Live - I don't know.... it had a premier in TExas last Sept or Oct.
Strike the Tent is Still filming
Arizona Summer is in post-production according to IMDB
(incedentally check out the competition.... BV's Holes. The trailer looks to be an intriguing story. Plenty to get the curiosity going. Reminded me of that old SBS Book from school days "The Monster of Strawberry Lake" - or was it called 'The Mad Scientists Club" something like that....)
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Replying to:
Wow, never heard of it. I haven't read any Pearl S. Buck novels other than the Good Earth. As I recall it was excellent so I am sure anything else of hers would be good as well. I would love to read more, but I am afraid that would have to go to my ever growing wish list for things to do in my ever decreasing time!
Of course, I am still waiting for Waiting to Live, Strike the Tent and Fate! Where the hell are these movies!
Oh yeah, just a quickie thing off subject. I heard a great line from the movie Simon (about a little boy with dwarfism, don't know child actors' names, but it has Ashley Judd and Oliver Platt). Time is a monster we cannot control. It moves as a snail at our impatience and runs like a gazelle when we cannot catch our breath.
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Replying to:
The Living Reed
Has anyone heard/read etc anything about this film, shot in Korea, based on a well known Pearl S. Buck novel? Back in 1997 it was listed as 'in post-production'.
Lee Majors, and various other actors were listed in the cast, but has not been released to my knowledge.