Lee Majors and Chuck Norris should do a movie together
Did Lee majors and chuck Norris ever do a movie together as the Fall Guy and Walker, Texas Ranger? If
not, I think it would be a wonderful idea; especially if they disagree with eachother's methods. Walker doesn't like Bounty Hunters and Colt has a bad history with Texas Rangers. To make it more exciting, Walker learns about a fugitive whose been on the run for 25 years and Colt gets interested becase a bounty is placed on him and he doesn't want to feel too old and "ready to be laid out to pasture." Of course, the two men and their teems from the hit tv series get in each other's way and the crazy criminal boasts about, "eating Texas Rangers for breakfast." He also calls Walker "Animal" and Trivette "Tipsey."
It isn't until both men decide to teem up and start trusting eachother that they are finally able to capture this crazy guy and bring him to justice.
It's kind of like the amazing race program we watch on tv except it pits the FALL GUY against Walker Texas Ranger. Whose got the Brains and whose got the Brawn?
I don't think Lee majors or Chuck Norris are ready for the pasture. Do you?
Chuck Norris retired from Walker Texs Ranger and does a column for WND websight, but where on earth is Lee Majors, my child hood hero?