Bracket Racing TEXAS Style



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To Scott Kohler

Good Evening Scott, I just wanted to drop you a line here (since I can't get on the LSMP forum) and say that the race last night was by far the closest I have ever lost. After I got home (shaking head the whold way...), I got out the slip and did some math to see what went wrong and it goes like this: I saw your headlight get a little squirrly and I figured I had this round, so when I saw you coming but not enough, I backed off, but I was still in second gear and the decelleration was too much (hindsight now tells me that I should have gone to third and stayed in it and I might have had you)But for the sake of numbers, the margin of victory of .0067 seconds equals out to this, at my mph, you crossed the finish line and I was behind you by 6.92 INCHES!!!! gee inches not feet, that was very close indeed.

Anyway, thanks again for putting another chapter to rest in my learning curve, it has been way too long since I was racing kinda regulary, so maybe next time I can keep these little (stupid) reminders in the memory banks and know what to do... Have a great weekend and see ya next tine!

Over-Achiever Racing