Bracket Racing TEXAS Style



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HRP Gates Open?

Just looked at the HRP calender, and the times for this Saturdays race is not up, wondering if anyones knows?

Re: HRP Gates Open?

jrs run early, big cars come in at 12.00 noon, at least thats what i'm seeing...

Re: HRP Gates Open?

Thanks Jack, see ya there

Re: HRP Gates Open?


Saturday & Sunday

Gates Open All Cars: 8:00 AM

Juniors Only Time Trials/Eliminations: 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon or until done!

Time Trials Cars: 12:30 PM

Lanes Close (Break): 4:00 PM

Eliminations: 4:30 PM


Two Day Pass Only: $15

Children 5 & Under: FREE

Entry Fee:

Super Pro $50

Footbrake $35

Junior Dragster $25


Super Pro (All-Run)

Winner : $1200

Runner-up: $500

Semi-Finalist: $175

Quarter-Finalist: $100

Eighth-Finalist: $50

Buy Backs: $20

Footbrake (All Run – No Electronics)

Winner : $400

Runner-up: $200

Semi-Finalist: $100

Quarter-Finalist: $40

Eighth-Finalist: $30

Buy Backs: $15

Junior Dragster (Advanced & Sportsman)

Winner : $150+ Trophy

Runner-up: $100+ Trophy

Semi-Finalist: $75

Quarter-Finalist: $50

Points: You will get 10 points show up and 10 points for every round won after that. The winner will recieve 2 extra points and the runner-up will receive 1 extra point. NOTE: If you Break before round 1 and cannot run, you will have a choice to keep your (10)show up points or receive a raincheck for the next day of racing.

Cars: There will not be a card draw this year. There will be 4 lanes per class. Footbrake 2-5 and Super Pro 7-10.
When you are called to the lanes, if you want lane choice you better get up there when you are called. The lanes will be picked in Random to run. Example Footbrake; Our Staging Lane Official may pick lanes 2(R) and 5(L) to run first or could pick 2(R) and 3(L). The same will go for the Super Pro lanes. If we end up with cars stacked at the end in one lane not paired up, at that time the first car pulled will go to the left lane, then the car behind will go to the right lane and so on till the lanes are clear.

I hope this clears up some questions!!
See ya Saturday!