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Last Friday Night! (Stupid)

First, I also think the track,they did a good job with the accident. I hate for anyone to get hurt.
Second, I am willing to pay a little extra to have some security there. For what happend in the staging lanes. No matter what is said IT DOESN'T GIVE ANYBODY THE RIGHT TO PUT THERE HANDS ON SOMEONE. That is assult in my book. What right is right and wrong is wrong......
The person that did the assult got to stay and a good thing the other person took it on his self to leave the track. Things could have got out of hand fast.
My family and I enjoy drag racing. If we like boxing we would be in the ring. MMA Style!
Anyeway we need some kinda of security. Thanks and everybody be safe! We are one big drag racing family! Big Rick

Re: Last Friday Night! (Stupid)

well i seen a couple of posts down where it was a big deal for some people cussing and where threatend to be throw out of the track, but apparently somebody can put there hands on somebody else and then just be told in person that it will be ok. sounds like this track has there prioritys all messed up

Re: Last Friday Night! (Stupid)

Next time call 265-9310 and file charges. It's no slap on the wrist anymore either. So long as you let things like this go they will keep reoccurring.