The Brink Forum

This is any thing about "The Brink", Brink Entertainment and , The Little Red Shed recording studio, the bands and acts that are working and not working with with Kevin Kane at this time. This is  any thing about Pete,Chuck,Johnny,Kevin,Brian,the dog down the street ect... Anything and everything , all are welcome here world with out end amen!

The Brink Forum
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Too many freaks, not enough circuses

The gene pool could use a little chlorine in this town. I know you want to know Who lit the fuse in my tampon? Practice safe sex, go fuck yourself. To all you virgins thanks for nothing.

Re: Too many freaks, not enough circuses

do me a favor and shut the fuck up, indian beater

Re: Re: Too many freaks, not enough circuses

I know if I was really bad deformed I would work at the circus it would be fun!!!