The Brink Forum

This is any thing about "The Brink", Brink Entertainment and , The Little Red Shed recording studio, the bands and acts that are working and not working with with Kevin Kane at this time. This is  any thing about Pete,Chuck,Johnny,Kevin,Brian,the dog down the street ect... Anything and everything , all are welcome here world with out end amen!

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Hope no one is fooled

The grand plan behind BUSH'S social security reform is to save bussiness billions if not trillions of dollars. You'll be able to put your money in companies stocks. Which is not bad unless they move all the profit out of the country and they say they are broke. ( You loose all)
Also if it works out they will no longer have to pay a company match. Right now your employer matches you dollar for dollar with what you pay in. In the new SSI guess what NO MORE MATCHING!!!
If the politicians really where resposible people they might ask how can the average person put in 2500 dollars per year plus his company put in 2500 per year. (5000) per year total for say 35 to 40 years. And then they have 20 years of drawing it out @ 1200 per month. That math does not add up. Money on low instrest will double every 10 years so where does all that money go?
The goverment takes it!
I've said enough BUSH sucks and so do 99% of the politicians. The public can change that remember your sore asshole and the cause of it the next time you vote for President,reps,mayor....ect...

Re: Hope no one is fooled

Feel entirely free to come up with solutions whenever you're done complaining.

You're wasting your life away in this band when you could be saving the world... Don't you feel silly?

Re: Re: Hope no one is fooled

Shut up fag!!!!!