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My Poor Soul

I'd been down this road before but this time it was going to be different I knew what I had done wrong. I heard her coming and quickly gathered up my self. The urge to move was terrible. My heart raced just as it must have thousands of years ago as our early relatives got ready to put it to a Mammoth. I wonder just how many had chosen to hunt the most dangerous game of all like I did. You know take the path less chosen?
As she walked by me I stepped in behind her,she never even heard me! The rag went over her mouth and she clamped down for all she was worth. Thank god I had the leather gloves on but even then she bite quit hard and it hurt I would have to make her suffer a bit for that later.
Oh she tried to wiggle ,to buck, to dislodge me but she was so small and so scared. She at first had taken in a small amount of air through the rag in her mouth but she smelled the fumes and tryed to quit breathing. She was wearing out and thank god I think that either my prey is growing stronger or the age is really getting to me.
Still my heart pounded my breathing was coming up fast and strong I could smell the pungent smell of Cloriform gas that I had put on the rag I stuck in her mouth and over her nose.
There she goes a few chokes and she's fading down into a peaceful.... sleep...

Re: My Poor Soul

Now many people find this funny but I have allways been a religous man. Not that I go to Church every sunday. But I believe there must be a soul and if there is a person shuold be able to see it. It is hard to find though. I have experimented for years on Animals of all kinds I tryed frogs and pigs, dog's cat's and bunnies. None of them has a soul that Ican find. That is when I meet a good friend of mine who is a deacon in the 3rd Baptise Curch of god.He knows a lot about god, talks directily to him. I know its true cause he had a lady in his church pray to win the Lottery and the next week she won $100.00 on a scratcher ticket.

Re: Re: My Poor Soul

He is the one who put me on the right track to find the soul in a person. He told me only people have souls and no animals have them as we are meant to be over them by the grace of the lord Jesus. So now I know where to look for these souls they should not be as hard to find. One good thing the experiments with the animals where good for was to prepare me to open up the sacrifice in a good manner and a godly way. It must be done while the sacrifice is fully awake and the longer the sacrifice lives during the ritual the better chance you have to see the soul as it leaves the body. It gives me great pleasure to know I do the work of the one almighty god I am his tool that is going to capture a soul and show it to the unbelieving and misled public. Most people would never know that some one like me is so great but that is their fault they only see the surface there is much more to me much more.

Re: Re: Re: My Poor Soul

She was coming to now she had thrown up earlier man she looked so confused. I had to smack her just to remind her it wasn't a dream.
I am getting my tools ready I typed her blood allready and have 8 units of it standing by to keep her alive longer during her sacrifice. You see the soul must be stirred from the body and the more violent it is removed from the body the easier it is to see it and to control it once you find it.
I think I will give her the day to recover from her slumber and to worry about her fate of course the dead dog right next to her might give her a clue. I heard her screaming faintly a while ago but then she stopped. No one outside passing by would know anything as cutting edge as this was happening in my boring little house in my boring little section of town. The sound proofing job I did while not looking professional does a great job. I could break dogs legs all day long down here and no one would even hear. Even once I had a collie dog who was just screaming when I got a knock on the door , a little girlscout. Knowing now what I do I would like that to happen again. Any how the dog was screaming and she never heard nothing.

Re: Re: Re: Re: My Poor Soul

I have tryed hard since that first one, each time I have done something wrong I am just not very good I'm afraid. On the other hand 22 women have sacrificed thier bodies to Jesus Christ and that is great. Today I have a extra good suprise. John The deacon is coming over and he is going to show me how to save a soul. What he doesn't know is I've got his mother down in the basement now and she is going to be the sacrifice. This is so exciting thinking that today I will save a soul and show it to the nonbelievers the lord works in strange ways and I am his tool.