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anti-game lobbyists

The U.S. senate has passed the Children and Media Research Advancement (CAMRA) Act which will attempt to investigate the effects, both positive and negative, of electronic media on children.

The bill was introduced in 2004 and backed by Hillary Clinton, Joseph Lieberman, Sam Brownback, Rick Santorum and Dick Durbin. According to the act, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will spearhead this investigation, while the National Academy of Science will review the research.

The timing of the act makes sense as November, election time, is round the corner and there's nothing works quite like scare tactics to secure votes.

Re: anti-game lobbyists

remember who to vote for when you vote Hillary is a danger to America. But then so is BUSH! I hope to god someone somewhere with some since runs!
I am still to young to run I'll run in about 15 more years then they will take the regular guy party serious!

Re: anti-game lobbyists

These are the same idiots bringing you opeen boarders that cost Americans jobs and keep down wages. So the next time you get cut infront of in line by an illegal just remember who to vote for.

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