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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
An Obsessive 18 Year Old Girl and A Women's Prison
I have had a couple of dreams the past two nights that were quite memorable when I awoke. The first was about a very young girl {18 years old was her specific age in the dream} who was attracted to me physically. In real life and in the dream I am not one who is attr...
Doll grows big and scary.
when i was little, i used to have this reoccuring dream.
it was always the same.
i would be at a house...other people were 'family' i guess.
but what would happen is that i would always slip off down this one hallway to a certain bedroom....
Forgot To Go To Class
I'm back at the place I went to college. It's the second day of classes, but I forgot all about going the first day. I think I am signed up for courses, but I don't know what they are. My husband reminds me about my classes. I'm on the top floor of the main class...
Views: 622 Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 4, 2009 11:48am by Harriett
Learning and touring
My dreams from the last two nights.
In the first dream:
I am learning to be a pilot with an aviation teacher I had in high school, brown hair and a big moustache. He is showing me how to fly the plane, making me do circuits, take off and touch down, take off a...
Tolkien's Ring
Not a dream per-say, but more a symbol. I have no recollection of the dream but woke up with the thought "First I need Tolkien's Ring" running through my head.
I have had similar dreams about needing to find an object that kept coming back until I figured it out....
Dreams NOT compatible with real life?
so as i've shared alot on here...over the course of several years...i've had dreams of my ex.
in some of these dreams...either SHE or I will say something or do something that illustrates us 'getting back together.'
for instance...
in a dream, my ex an...
More Water Dreams
Well, well, well woke up and ran to write down dream from last night, then to look on your site a few symbols. Water again. I was staying with a large group of friends, in a house by the ocean, we were preparing for a scuba diving trip. There was a pool in one of the...
Views: 593 Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 3, 2009 3:43pm by Pia
Fractured fairy tales.
I had a series of dreams that all seemed separate from each other last night.
Part 1: I know at some point I was walking down a hallway, in what was supposed to be my old high school.I pass one of my teachers, who is really one of my college professors. I believe...
Views: 614 Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 3, 2009 2:40pm by nani
Going Downhill On Bike
in the dream,
i was going down a hill on a bicycle.
i saw the girl i liked doing the same thing.
at the bottom of the hill was merely a body of water.
when we reached the bottom we crashed into the water.
when i came up from the water we were...
Dreaming of lions, reccuring
I have been having a recurring dream for several years now that involves Lions.
In the dream, I will see lions, usually 2 or 3 of them. They are always in familiar places. In the past the dream would always take place at my parents house. I would see these l...
I am playing the role of a protagonist in a Hollywood comedy movie, of a blockbuster calibre. My role is the fumbling boob who means well but always messes up.
I am trying to perform some trick where there is a sort of a human pyramid, but actually more of a sphe...
Views: 703 Replies: 8
Last Post: Sep 1, 2009 4:23am by Rook
recurring dream - mundane and terrifying
Hi so I haven't had these dreams for years but I can vividly remember them still. The setting would vary, but it was always either on a school field or inside a giant cavernous empty gymnasium type room. I would be playing catch with my dad but instead of a basebal...
Views: 708 Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 31, 2009 3:37pm by alex
Riding with Jesus
Dear Forum,
May I have some feedback on this dream? Thanks.
I dreampt last night I was with Jesus. He was driving a car, and I was in the passenger seat. He was tall, slender, handsome, with long, dark brown hair and I guess a beard, alt...
Views: 907 Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 31, 2009 8:57am by Rose
Hi everyone!
I recently had two seperate dreams on two different nights and for the last week or so can't remember (or haven't had) a single dream since then. For me this is strange because I normally have long vivid dreams.
Dream 1:
My ex's (F.)wife is in t...
Views: 654 Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 31, 2009 7:22am by May
Pied Piper
I notice a car passing by, a 1960s or 70s muscle car, going very slowly, being driven by a male infant, about one year of age. I run across the street and through the driver's side window reach in a put the car in park, in order to stop the car and prevent a possibl...
Baby Crib
in this dream,
i was on my computer and i was somehow watching this 'home video' of the girl's family.
i saw her family...brothers, sisters, etc...all going about their business around the house.
then at a certain point, i saw her and my sister in a b...
Views: 593 Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 28, 2009 11:53pm by daniel
I Will Help Kristi Provide Interpretations on Saturday
Sorry for the absence the past several days. I will return and help Kristi provide interpretations Saturday morning. I have had a bit of a crisis involving the health of my long hair cat Missy. At first it looked dire but after further examination the vet found...
While returning from a camping trip with a child about 4 or 5 years of age (my grandson-my son figure) has a medical emergency. I take him to a hospital. The child is hooked to many IV tubes. The hospital staff were terrible, more interested in their casual conversat...
prego in dream
last nite i had a dream that i didnt know that i was pregnant until i went into labor at home(alone) and it was a girl but it wasnt like a real baby(well full term) she was tiny i held her in the palm of my hand but she was ok and hungry breathing. what does this mean?
The Rainbow Serpent
I am at my parents house, it is night time. There is a snake waiting at the door. It seems dull in colour. But I know that I can only let it in when I see its true colours.
I gaze at it through the window, though it is dark outside. Suddenly it becomes intense...
Dream fragment
I forgot the beginning of the dream, then this:
F. is cheating on me with my friend C. I know this and I am upset. Then SK comes to me and tells me he cheated on me or betrayed me (don't recall which word) on Tuesday night. Then the dream continu...
Views: 773 Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 23, 2009 11:48pm by May
dream of mother thats past
hello ive had two dreams of my mon one recent she was taking me and my dads picture in our living room and me and my dad wee hugging each other and she was smileing, the other one was when she first past 8 years ago she was riding on a train and sitting across from t...
same person recurring in my dreams
hello i have a dream about a male freind about two times a month it seems about a warning dream of some sort his two young children are in it he looks stressed, one was of safety of his daughters and playing and a big truck coming towards them and i got them in time...
Two cups full of my blood
I'm standing in line in a cafeteria setting. That is, it looks just like a cafeteria, but there is no food. I have donated two paper cups of blood, and I'm carrying them through the line. Each cup is about half full of blood. A woman working there looks at my blo...
Views: 619 Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 22, 2009 3:59pm by Harriett
Haunted by this one......
Hallo, this is my first posting here. Normally I am pretty good at understanding my dreams and more often than not they do not mean much. This one has got me confused........ just to many simbols and possible meaning.... please help
I am in a "shopping mall" and...
Views: 627 Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 22, 2009 12:14am by Patrick
Kristi - Co-Host and Moderator at the Dream Forum
I have asked and Kristi has graciously accepted the role of Co-Host and moderator at the Dream Forum. Kristi has the skills, insights and 'Jungian' education to successfully help visitors to better understand their dreams. She will be of great help in insuring all po...
On Love
This was relevent (and read to me) in my meeting with my analyst yesterday, in light of 'where I am' and all the 'shoveling of mud' (to find the light in the dark) I am currently doing. I found it so stunningly beautiful and profoundly moving given the space I am in...
Halo 2
Another Halo dream, initiating on Earth. I am at my house talking to neighbours, some who are colleagues at work, others people I do not know.
The Flood has been released into my dimension (a parasitic lifeform that take control of people's physical form and disf...
I share so much of my life here, via my dreams, that I'd also like to share that I PASSED my national exam for licensure as a Physical Therapist Assistant!
Starting school all over again, at my age, while also working to support myself amidst continuing my inner j...
Negative Mother
I thought I would like to go ahead and post these few dreams, which followed just after the last dream I posted here (Inner Masculine Wound). This is long, and deep/very personal, but I feel it will be helpful for me to share and express this. If you take the time...
The Morning Star
This wasn't really a dream, but an experience. I am not sure if you are familiar with the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time myth, but it seems to me to be strongly aligned with the 'Heroes Journey' and resonates with my life.
In the story line the Hero forms a void and...
Jung Podcasts
I came upon this mans' site by way of another. He has 28 podcasts available for free download.
Jung's 'Individuation Process' & Why is it Important
We've discussed the 'Individuation Process' often times in trying to better understand how to obtain better psychological health. But here is a approach from that looks at a different aspect to the process, and perhaps will be more interesting for thos...
Alice in Wonderland dream
At the start of the dream I am my regular self, and I walked into a graduation ceremony for my college, that is being held for just the Interior Decorators. (Note: At my school Interior Decorators are not well liked. They are considered to be like the rich, dumb, pop...
I am a con-man
I am a conman, with a group of people at a shopping centre. The centre is closing but I have stayed behind after it has closed. It is the beginning of my 'life of crime'. The security guards have been alerted to us and are coming looking for us.
I dress in woma...
Views: 691 Replies: 7
Last Post: Aug 5, 2009 4:43am by Rook
Two dreams
Hi everyone
I had the following dream the night before last:
I am at SK's house. His home has been expanded into an international student house. He shares a room with a female. I want to spend the night with him but he's not comfortable. I look over and the fem...
Views: 814 Replies: 18
Last Post: Aug 3, 2009 3:56am by May
Inner Masculine Wound
Hi, these are two recent dreams. I do feel I understand them pretty well, but there is more to be gained, so I'd like some input from any who feel they may have some insight.
Dream 1: I am seeing myself in the Army again, as if I have re-entered the Army after t...
Views: 592 Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 2, 2009 7:55am by Kristi
Numerology Reading
I receive a notice concerning my numerology reading. A woman is giving me an explanation. She says something about timing, the importance of timing. She says something about readings sometimes being a D reading (and/or a)/B reading. I have the impression she is...
Views: 642 Replies: 8
Last Post: Jul 30, 2009 5:53am by Kristi
4 Grape Seeds
in short,
my ex girlfriend was in my house.
it felt like we were supposed to get married.
i was taking a shower to get ready i suppose.
at one point, my mother comes in and gives me these 4 grape seeds.
however, this angered me and i jus...
can't proceed
Hello all,
I would like some help to interpret the role of the woman in this dream.
In waking life I am a surgeon and so the dream is in that context
I have come down a flight of wooden stairs having changed into clothes for going into the operating theatres. I...
Views: 866 Replies: 17
Last Post: Jul 29, 2009 2:32am by Rook
Satellite crash
This dream was relatively short compared to my other dreams.
I was on vacation, sitting next to a pool with a friend, though I don't know who she is in real life. From where I was sitting, against a brick wall, I could see the skyline was filled with buildings and...
Views: 651 Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 28, 2009 3:17am by Rook
Mythos Videos Now Available at Myths-Dreams-Symbols
I've spent some time over the last several days getting my mojo motivated and renewing my creative juices. For those who did not know I am also the webmaster of Myths-Dreams-Symbols. MDS is my creative outlet, the 'true self', enjoying the bliss that is the inner lif...
Views: 1147 Replies: 8
Last Post: Jul 27, 2009 6:57am by Justin
Beautiful Woman and Fighting on a River
I don't often post a dream because I have so few 'big dreams' and the dreams I do have I feel I understand. Although this dream at first had me stumped I quickly realized what was in conflict. I won't go into detail about the dream but want to point out a particular...
Views: 599 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 26, 2009 11:48am by Kristi
an evil army and an evil girl
hello everyone,
I have two dreams to post. One is about 3 weeks old and I have sent it before to Gerard (I wasn't sure if I could post here), then I went on holidays and couldn't reply.
So here it goes:
I was somehow in 1945 and a nun in the monastery (or, I d...
Two funerals and maybe a wedding :)
The Dream:
The year is 1963. The place is Egypt. It is my maternal grandfather's funeral. The relatives are elegant, refined, classy, wealthy, fancy black cars. I am made to understand that he is in the fourth dimension and only seperated from me by a thin veil th...
Views: 720 Replies: 7
Last Post: Jul 23, 2009 6:07am by May
This one is short:
The dream theme is the computer game Halo. I am the Master Chief (the Hero).
I was fighting aliens on a planet filled with trees, grassy fields, rivers and streams. A very healthy lively place. A vehicle like a giant drill comes through th...
Dreams after my mothers death
Hi Dream weavers,
I had these dreams just as / and after my mother died last year.
I was about to throw out my dream journals and re-read the dreams : knocked me back
Morning of her death:
message delivered from the feminine:
"I want you to live with complet...
Cannibal chicken
Hi Jerry,
It's been a couple of weeks since I had this dream. There didn't really seem to be enough to go on, but the image is haunting me, so I thought I'd see what you had to say.
The image of the dream that I can remember is of a large chicken that had swal...
Ballfield Energy
Ursula is come to meet with me. The setting is at a ball/sports field. I feel the spirit of unity of goals/effort, and the celebration of that, as with sports team members on a winning streak of performance. I feel very welcoming, open and expansive...and also, si...
Pregnancy Dream
Hello everyone,
I had this dream more than 3 months ago, and unfortunately i am unable to remember all the aspects of it. The only details that i do remember are finding out that i was pregnant and feeling jealous over my husband and a friend. In the dream, someh...
A Rebel at Graduation
I'm a senior about to graduate from a school far away from home. I'm in a large, empty upstairs room. Framed pictures hang on the walls. Each senior was supposed to embroider the shape of his or her own home state and then add something personal to the picture. I...
New Dimensions Media
Just thought I would share the above link, here. I am up rather early this morning, called by a dream, and had this site still open on my browser - to download an interview with Marion Woodman on the Dark Goddess - and searched an...
Views: 637 Replies: 9
Last Post: Jul 18, 2009 6:51pm by Kristi
Monomyth-The Hero's Journey
For those who are not familiar with Joseph Campbell's hero journey here is a link to Wikipdia which will provide valuable insights to that inward journey.
Here is an excerpt from that page:
The term Monomyth (often referred to as the hero's journey)...
Home Rehab
There is a very large white house, the outside of which myself and several other women are repainting. I see some areas where the old paint is greatly peeling, hanging loose. All this will need to be scraped off. I note that organization, prioritizing and unifying...
Views: 661 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 12, 2009 6:20pm by Kristi
Winged Lion Birthmark
I was sitting at a table talking with a young man, who seemed familiar. I noticed he had the same birthmark that I had. In my dream, some people had this birthmark, maybe about 1/16th of the population and it was common knowledge that some people had this particular...
Horror Movie with Johnny Depp
I call this a "horror movie" because it seem to run almost like a classic horror film. I'm in an old home, not very well cared for, maybe out in the country...seems a bit isolated. Two law enforcement men are in the house and they are trying to capture Johnny Depp...
The Ashes
I had an odd dream last night. I think it may be related to the interplay between masculine and feminine.
The dream had to do with the Ashes tour that started yesterday. Ricky Ponting (the Captain of Australia) was batting against the spinners. But he had selec...
Taking A Test
in this dream,
i found myself with some girl.
we were in her house and we were waiting for her father to return home so he could meet me.
when he got home...he made me take this test. the test would determine wether or not i was qualified to date/marr...
Dog/Trash Can
in the dream,
i was driving around this unfamiliar neighborhood.
my ex was in the car with me.
it felt like we were married.
i had this trash can with me and it felt like i was needing to do away with it.
at one point, we came to this house...
Symbol in the Dream
I had a strange dream last night.
im very desire to have some one in this field to provide some information about this dearm.
here is what i dearmed:
i was sitting in a ancient classroom, and there is old professor, when the professor is walked away from...
Views: 659 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 8, 2009 8:17pm by Justin
Sitting on Potty in Style and Frog!
Dear All,
This is the first time i have posted on this site. I would greatly appreciate any clarification. Some of my friends have shared their wisdom with me and one suggested I post on your site. So here goes.
With Thanks Harry : >
Dream 23/6/2009 towards t...
Views: 686 Replies: 7
Last Post: Jul 6, 2009 7:18pm by Rook
In this dream, I am aware of dialoguing with another woman ... much older than myself, white haired, and very wise. We are talking about all the healing and change I am going through ... "working, learning and growing," feels to be theme of our dialogue. Then, the...
Views: 640 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 5, 2009 10:54am by Kristi
Comatose people in attic
Hello everyone - I had a dream last week that I would like to get some feedback on.
I am sleeping in my bed and awake to the sound of a bird flying in my room. I assume that the bird got in through an open window, so I just lay there thinking that the bird will ev...
Views: 643 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 4, 2009 6:16pm by drshell
Two Odd Dreams
Hello, Forum!
Well, it takes a lot for me to call a dream odd because I'm used to dreams being all sorts of odd. But these two just make me go, "Huh?" They occurred within a week of each other. Both are short and very vivid.
In the first, I am opening a carto...
Views: 643 Replies: 7
Last Post: Jul 4, 2009 7:11am by Rose
Healing Secrets with Deepak Chopra: Intention
Within nature there is a power known as intention. "If you want to know the mechanism of a biological phenomenon then you have to know what the intended outcome is. If you want to know why birds have wings then you have to know the intention. Of course the intention...
I had a dream the other night about my daughter when she was around six or seven years old. She is now going to be 25 in October.
My daughter was diagnosed with a bi-polar condition several years back and is living in Georgia with her
father and stepmom since her b...
Views: 684 Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 26, 2009 10:38pm by Justin
I had this dream where I moved across the street from my parents into the house that just sold from them actually. I was sad hearing this house had sold because this couple had lived there over 30 years (which is true in real life). The next part was that my old neig...
I wake (not for the bathroom or anything other than) to hear the following words being spoken to me, from a non-descript (like words without sound) inner voice: “Treat tapas savan as an onlooker in everything you do and say.” The feeling space I woke in...
Views: 661 Replies: 12
Last Post: Jun 25, 2009 6:48am by Kristi
Psychic reality and Sky-Blue Frankenstein
I am in a resort style hotel by the pool watching TV with a colleague from work. The TV show is a reality program about people with psychic gifts, where the one with the weakest gift is voted off.
I am on the show and hope that they don't show me in front of my...
Views: 721 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 24, 2009 11:24pm by Rook
sleeping in the same room with Presidents
I'm sleeping in the same room with the Bushes and the Obamas. The Obamas are farther away, to my right, and they seem to be asleep. I am closest to George W. Bush. He is talking to Laura and seems to be justifying something stupid he said or did. I feel kind of s...
I see Kalyn and hear her announce, “Bernice Harker (my mother’s name),” “Kristi Parrotte.” I then see some sort of wheel/circular image turning revolutions. Next, I see myself on my knees, folding my torso onto my analyst's lap, feeling...
Recurring dream - different Spiritual symbols
Hi All
I want to compare three dreams I have had (the first two I have already posted, but the third is new). They always seem to follow a similar path, but with different symbols. The last dream I think has given a crucial link, and want to share, others may ha...
Views: 694 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 18, 2009 5:06am by Rook
Ittie Bittie Kitty Committee
This is a bit from a dream I had last night. I've almost forgotten all what happened in the dream, except for a few visuals.
Through out most of the dream I remember being chased by a group of beings that had taken over the bodies of some of my friends. ( I think...
death dream
I had a really strange dream last night. A young woman was dying, I felt as though she was famous to an extent - more soap star famous than anything else. I'm not aware as to what illness she had, only that it was a matter of time before she passed away. I remember s...
Views: 709 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 17, 2009 3:11pm by angela
Male Baby
i believe i'm done with the other set of dreams.
in this dream,
my former girlfriend and i had some baby together.
it was a male child...i just knew that.
as you can imagine, it was a happy occasion but at the same time, for me, it was anxiety ri...
Views: 632 Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 17, 2009 5:50am by Kristi
Cryogenically Frozen
i was at a party...
there were alot of girls thing that stuck out was that they ALL looked very much ALIKE.
i was looking for this particular girl, and many times throughout the dream i kept thinking i was seeing her because all of these gir...
Views: 710 Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 16, 2009 8:51pm by Justin
Chasing An Intruder
in this dream,
i was in my house.
the same girl from the previous dream was there as well.
the dream took place in my house...but it FELT like HER house.
she was in the kitchen and i was standing outside in the hall because i was shy.
my sist...
Views: 718 Replies: 7
Last Post: Jun 15, 2009 9:59pm by Justin
4x4 Truck/Ex Girlfriend/Friend Of Hers
in the dream,
my car was not available for some reason.
but i still felt like i needed to pick up my ex and her friend.
*side note...i had become interested in her friend before i had this dream.
at one point in the dream, i was somehow driving th...
Views: 712 Replies: 10
Last Post: Jun 14, 2009 7:31pm by Daniel
116 Pill
This dream, from January (2009) was originally posted under a separate dream thread of mine - Airport Man. I am placing it here again, as I received a piece of information over the weekend that sheds light on the meaning/timing of the dream.
I recieve a b...
Views: 678 Replies: 10
Last Post: Jun 14, 2009 4:45pm by Kristi
Recurring dream of animals giving birth
In the past month I have had these 2 dreams who seem to be relaying a similar message. Can you kindly help me decipher what that might be? Many thanks.
First dream: I am with my younger brother in what seemed to be my house. I look through the window an...
Views: 717 Replies: 15
Last Post: Jun 12, 2009 6:43pm by Kristi
white scorpion dream
i had a dream of two white scorpions crawling along my ceiling yesterday (didnt know there was such a thing as white scorpions till i googled it after). i wasn't frozen in fear, just knew i had to get them out of the house before i got stung unexpectedly. i tried cat...
Views: 5462 Replies: 3
Last Post: Jun 11, 2009 9:21am by angela
A few nights ago I had a dream. I was in a hallway getting something out of a locker. I was in a hospital gown and in my dream I knew that I had just had a baby, but I had not seen the baby yet. Looking down the hall, all the people from my office came down the hal...
Angel Warriors and Einstein
Warm greetings,
I would like to share the following 2 dreams for reflection. The first one was absolutely fantastic, beyond this world.
I am with my mother traveling to our hometown. Our mode of transportation is a private jet, fantastic piece of machinery. I a...
Before I can tell you my dream I have to tell you this. I have been in and out of school since 4th grade and have been having big doubts about going into high school this fall. Also when I have to come up with a number on the spot I blurt out 17. Alright here we go....
Views: 642 Replies: 5
Last Post: Jun 11, 2009 2:30am by Sophie
Her Mother Was Angry With Me
in this dream,
i was at this particular girl's house...we were engaged.
her brother enters the dream and at first, he's seemingly antagonistic toward me.
later on though, we became friends.
however, then her mother enters the dream, and she's...
Dreams about other peoples' life
I would like to ask if anyone had dreams about other peoples' life and events that haappened to them in the past or will happen in the future or they are just happaning? I've looked for some answers but all the dictionaries conect everything with past or your ow...
I have a dream memory that I am is if pedaling, on a bicycle, perhaps. I feel like I am working, exercising. Later, I am walking on some groundwork that is as if latticed in appearance. It is hard to describe. I say latticed because I see cross structures, yet I...
Views: 693 Replies: 6
Last Post: Jun 8, 2009 8:53pm by Kristi
Possbily the most disturbing dream I've ever had.
It started on a journey. I was in the desert on a road trip with some of my friends. We stopped at a gas station in the middle of no where. A cloud of dust appeared on the horizon, and somehow I knew he (whoever 'he' was) had found me. I ran into a two-story house, t...
It may be a couple of days before I will be able to provide interpretations. My computer died and I am using an old lap top that sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
Snatched Baby
The Dream:
I'm lying on my bed, facedown, and under my left arm I'm holding a baby wrapped in a white blanket. I'm asleep. My bedroom door opens and an evil creepy little girl (between the ages of 5-8) comes into my room and slides the baby out from under my arm....
Views: 644 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 31, 2009 7:04am by May
The Outer World vs the Inner World
I woke up this morning letting the fears and obligations of social duty invade my usual tranquil self. Then I decided to put that aside and concentrate on the 'creative' aspects. I turned to the Dream Forum and my dream interpretation. I soon left behind those fears...
Views: 753 Replies: 0
Last Post: May 30, 2009 7:07am by Jerry
Looking in the mirror
Warm greetings Gerard, I have two dreams that sort of appeared close to each other. In the first one:
I am looking in the mirror and all of a sudden I see myself shape shifting into something else, human like, but so different from what I or any other human bein...
Views: 597 Replies: 1
Last Post: May 30, 2009 6:51am by Jerry
Black Hair, Black Jacket, Black Car
in the dream,
it started out with me at a grocery store.
as i went in, i saw the person i was looking for.
as i was watching her, i saw that she was buying groceries.
however, i noticed that she was only able to buy a VERY small amount of grocerie...
Views: 638 Replies: 3
Last Post: May 30, 2009 6:11am by Jerry
Sexy Teeth Time
Hello everyone, I was hoping you could help make some sense out of this dream I just had.
I was at some kid of sports arena, except that I had a bedroom there. Across the hall from my bedroom was a bathroom, and I as waiting for men to use it so I could lure them...
Views: 687 Replies: 3
Last Post: May 28, 2009 5:49am by Jerry
a dream that really affected me
I was walking under water and I walked up out of the water onto a shore and the sand is really soft on my feet, I was naked and everything was very colorful. I bent down to pick up some of the sand and I had to bring it to the man under one of the trees. I bring it t...
Views: 675 Replies: 1
Last Post: May 28, 2009 5:40am by Jerry
Cut down trees
Men with two log-hauling trucks bring loads of huge logs and dump them in my grandmother's driveway, behind her house. The house is as it was when I was a child, but I am an adult in the dream. The logs are so huge they must have come from sequoias. I'm wondering...
Views: 637 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 24, 2009 7:24am by Harriett
Salvation Army and City Mission
The dream scene is in the time frame of my late teen to early adulthood years: There is a fighting/arguing back and forth occurring, a lot of distress I see images of David, my parents, my siblings – specifically, my brothers (not my sisters). At this point,...
Views: 680 Replies: 10
Last Post: May 22, 2009 5:47am by Kristi
Saving the child & Water
I was actually curious about a couple past dreams. Both involve protecting and saving a child. The first dream was about my cousin, her husband and their daughter with a few exceptions. Earlier in the dream my cousin was there but later on the people aren't the same....
Views: 599 Replies: 6
Last Post: May 18, 2009 5:52am by Jerry
Bisexual Bee
The bisexual legacy continues...
I feel this dream is speaking to the fact that I struggle with seeing "God" (the source of creation)as either exclusively masculine or feminine. I feel that "God" is neither, yet I struggle with the concepts of masculin...
Unconcious possibly drink been spiked
Hi this is my partners recent dream which involves me.
In his words:
We were outside a pub. We went through a side gate and paid £5 which enabled you to go into a room and take something out of it. we went in hoping to get a bottle of wine but the last one h...
Guinea pigs being injected.
Hi I have posted here before and your advice was great. I haven't found the time to post for ages but I should have been as I have had a lot going on in my dreams.
I tend to dream about specific people whom I am having troubled or confused times with be it my chil...
I find myself in a 50's dinner looking for a delicious milkshake and a cheese burger to go with it. As I get done placing my order I look out the window and notice this shoe store I’ve once been in before. So I walk over to the store and walk in were I was gree...
Views: 604 Replies: 1
Last Post: May 11, 2009 11:14pm by Rook
Unexpecting Results
I had a dream that my mom and I were in the waiting room at the gynecologist together. She was called back first and a couple of minutes later my name was called. I was escorted back to the room my mom was in. When I entered the room my mom was crying and I asked her...
Confrontating my mom
This morning I dreamt the following:
I'm in a livingroom with my mother. It's like a mixture of the livingroom in the apartement I live in now, the livingroom in the house I grew up, and yet another place, which is not familiar to me. There are two couches there,...
Views: 695 Replies: 3
Last Post: May 8, 2009 8:20pm by Justin
Memory gaps
I don't remember the main theme of my dream but I do remember being in my fathers van. I asked him why we were there and he said he just took me to the hospital, I asked him why and he just looked at me weirdly and said something along the lines of an accident or che...
A Dog on a Leash
I woke up remembering this dream because I clearly remembered the images I saw in it.
It appeared that someone took a dog into a garage and left the animal there. The dog had a long leash around its neck, it looked undernourished as though it hadn't been fed and...
Evacuation and menstruation
This dream has my now ex-partner and 14 month old son in it....
In the dream I was living with both of them (at my current address). There was a television announcemet from the "authorities" that "everyone" had to evacuate their homes immediately. (I am not sure w...
Horse's Tooth
A brown horse is in a trailer. The horse was brought to me, or I to the horse, because he had a broken/sore tooth that needed tending to. I go to the horse and inspect his teeth. The broken tooth is on the left side of his mouth, one of his molars. All remaining...
Views: 665 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 3, 2009 8:16pm by Kristi
Cannabal Bird and Black Widows
The first thing I remember about my dream is that I was standing under this bridge and there was this bird. At first it just started eating little bugs, but each thing it ate got bigger in size, like first it was a worm than a grasshopper, then a big fly bug, and the...
Views: 654 Replies: 6
Last Post: May 2, 2009 1:00am by Alexa
A Contemplation
I come out of a ancient stone structure sitting on a small flat of tableland. I sit down at a stone table area, facing the structure, to write/journal (I think). I look back into the doorway from which I have emerged. The structure is like a kiva, of sorts, cavern...
Views: 645 Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 28, 2009 9:58pm by Kristi
I am looking at the sole of my foot, as if washing or inspecting it. At first, I think it is stained, or dirty, but then realize that it is neither stained nor dirty (per se), but weathered and leathered. It is a foot that has walked (as if bare foot) much, and whi...
Views: 617 Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 26, 2009 10:10am by Kristi
Robotic Temptations
I had this dream last night and it's kind of bizarre and difficult to follow sometimes...
I believe it started in the basement of my house (which does not exist). My mom and I were looking at our panic room which was a glass encased room. I asked my mom if the g...
UFOs, bad prophesies and a huge party
I'm out walking in the streets at night, I think somewhere in the neighbourhood. Suddenly I see a plane flying very low above me. I watch it for a little while, and then I realize that it looks just like the classical image of a flying saucer. I get very excited and...
Acting and Prizes
In light of the quiet, I dreamt this last night:
I am talking to a (female) friend at work who’s daughter is about my age. In the dream, the daughter is a member of the cast of the Aussie drama; Home and Away. I associate these daughters with being beautif...
Views: 637 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 23, 2009 8:39am by Rook
Please help me understand this dream of the lighted orb...
What can be the meaning of the following dream? What could cause the dreamer to awaken in a panic afterwards?
An illuminated sphere crossed by a red line, along which are "dancing" geometrical shadow shapes that travel and change as they move across (or along) th...
Testing Forum Status
I have not had any posts for several days and wonder if there are problems with accessing he Forum. If someone would reply to this post that would verify everything is up and running.
Shooting Rampage
My ex brother-in-law, (brother of my ex-husband), had purchased for himself a gun. Sometime passed and then he went on a shooting rampage and shot a ton of people.
Am distressed about what this dream is telling me...and would like an interpretation that wou...
Views: 789 Replies: 7
Last Post: Apr 22, 2009 4:50am by May
Lots of blood
I had this dream a couple days ago that really confused me. I don't know why but a lot of the dream my head was in the toilet. And I was vomiting a lot of blood no food just blood. Actually vomiting it not coughing. I did this like 2 or 3 times before. And then one t...
Views: 673 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 20, 2009 5:22pm by Sophie
Just seeking peace?
My mother died 26 years ago when I was 26. She and I were close - she died quickly from a brain tumor at age 61.
My father died 2 1/2 years ago. He and I were not close, but I ended up being his caretaker for 7 months b4 his death - I learned a lot about hi...
being a child and playing with my lover
A few years ago I met a man who I fell in love with and I had never felt this way before about anyone. It has been a big thing for me because it really is a soul thing and we both feel this way. Anyway, I had a dream last night. I was in a field of flowers, like wild...
Power of Meditation
Both Jung and Joseph Campbell spoke often of the spiritual energy as an aspect of the psyche. And suggested that energy was within us all and could be harnessed in many 'psyche' functions. It is a prdouct of nature. This video that provides insights of a greater ener...
dead and falling tree
I am standing in the area between my house (a place I lived over 20 years ago) and the church next door. There is a huge tree in this space, and it is the live oak tree that was beside my grandparents' house( 700 miles away from here) when I was a child. As I am st...
Suicide and Terrorism
I was sitting in a hotel lobby with my family. This nice-looking boy came walking by with his two parents. He had rags wrapped around his wrists. This bothered me, so I asked him what had happened. He pulled back the rags and I saw two very defined cuts along eac...
Dream relationship
In my dream an ex romantic relationship(who I still have deep feelings for) was on tv telling me he was having the last dance with me. I told myself he's in the tv, so it's not real. The next thing I know he's jumped out of the tv, is standing in front of him & poi...
supper on the ceiling
First I'm in my home office. My son, Adam, at the age of about 2-3, crawls around and throws everything on the floor, creating a huge mess. I can't get any work done. Then, I'm in the kitchen cooking supper at the stove. I look in the pot and don't know where mos...
Please interpret this dream
My mother, father and I were standing in front of a beautiful oak table, discussing where two envelopes that were placed there could have come from. Both envelopes were white. One had my name on it and the other had my sibling's name on it. Both were filled with mone...
Mirror and telling about a dream in a dream
Two weeks ago I had a dream that I was looking in a mirror making faces and watching my reflection change. Then I made a face but didn't see that it change in the mirror, it made me feel like something was wrong, like I must not be alive if my reflection didn't chang...
Views: 667 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 9, 2009 2:25pm by Holly
I am sitting with a friend, it feels like a school environment. She is sitting by a window, and the sun is shining on her, in a nice, warming way. I notice she has braces - and she is an older woman - and is a bit self conscious about them. I am encouraging her, i...
Views: 680 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 7, 2009 12:52am by Justin
A childhood recurring dream
When I was a kid, I had a series of dreams that lasted about a week and a half. These dreams were in the same place, but happened day by day within the dreamworld...
I am inside a castle, on an island of sorts, (no vegetation or anything, just a floating chunk o...
The Empty Dark Mansion
Here is a dream I had many years ago that has stuck with me and has inspired me to follow my instincts and intuitions in a search to understand it’s meaning.
It was a dark night, cool, stars shining and streetlight on when I found m...
Message From Jerry
It will be this weekend before I am able to provide any interpretations to posted dreams. I apologize for not giving a prompt response to all posts but there is so much on my plate I am unable to do all I wish I could at the Dream Forum. I do encourage other members...
Crazy dream
ok this is long but...i was going to a track meet with my team and we ended up going a camp. On the way me and the guy i like decided to make out when we got there but he didnt know how. So we go to this room filled with glass bottle things and we start to make out....
A Bus, A Battle and a Bustier
It was an active night . . . I had two related dreams as follows:
First Dream:
I was a passenger on a bus that had people on it, but it wasn't full. A man, who wanted off made a mad dash for the door, pushing it open and tumbling to the ground with all his bagga...
Masculine vs Feminine Myths
This is a question I am curious about, and am not sure of the answer. This seems the best place to satisfy that curiosity. In general, I have found that the Star Wars myth, the Lord of the Rings myth sit so well with men. It is rare that I find a female who likes...
Arc of the Covenant
I feel this is a similar themed dream to the Holy Grail in a box dream I had the other night:
I dreamt I was Kyle XY (a character on a tv show on Fox - let me know if you need more info on character / show). I got into a Sysyx laboratory where a secret box was hi...
Views: 692 Replies: 7
Last Post: Apr 2, 2009 4:52am by Rook
Strange events in our appartement
New dream this night, here it goes:
I am in our new appartement, out in the hall. I'm thinking that there is so much storage room in this place. I discover that there is a curtain at the back of one of the closets, and when I look behind it I can see that behind i...
Views: 671 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 1, 2009 8:27pm by Justin
leaving my body behind
My husband and I are going to leave town. We seem to be leaving permanently, as if we are moving to a new place and don't want anyone to know about it. My husband says we have to leave my body behind as a decoy. "But it will stink," I say. I agree to do it, but...
Views: 664 Replies: 5
Last Post: Apr 1, 2009 7:55pm by Justin
Fairytale dream
Here's the dream I had last night. This one too has soe starnge twists around the masculine/feminine theme..
I'm in a appartement/penthouse on the upper deck of a giant ship. I'm living there with the captain, he is my partner or housband, but he is much older tha...
Views: 837 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 30, 2009 12:48am by Inanna
I'd like input, feed back, ideas about a reoccuring dream. Well the dream is not the same, just the subject matter. It's weird since I have not ever dreamed about this kind of thing before, it's gory. I could post the whole dream but I'll just add a bit of them. I'll...
Same numbers
I had this most interesting dream. I would check my wristwatch all the time and the hours would always show like this: 06:06, 13:13, 11:11, 7:7 and so on.
Any speciphic meaning?
White Balloon
In the dream...
I was with my son at either a carnival or a party and there was a wtare game with balloons floating on the water. Holding my son I decided to play the game bacuse he was amused by the balloons. the object of te game was to touch an electronic patte...
Writing on the Wall
I'm sitting in this big circular, open space, kind of like a commons area, with three friends, two girls, one guy. Note, that the two girls used to go out, and now one is going out with the guy. We're just talking, they're complaing about how someone messed up the in...
Views: 616 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 26, 2009 7:57pm by Sera
I'm getting warmer...
And I feel good about this!
The last few nights dreams have had a masculine/feminine as I had written in my last post, I believe that's the golden nugget that needs cracking.
My dream:
Faith Hill has just given birth, to a boy. She is happy but whe...
My boyfriend cutting his thumb
Hi again! A new one for you :)
In this dream I'm with my boyfriend in our livingroom, at our new appartement. It's late at night and I want to go to bed. The problem is that my boyfriend doesn't want to come with me, he has planned to be up for a while, surfing th...
Zombie - Chasing dreams
I have a nightmare last night.
I dreamed that I was at a fotoshooting place, I was modelling with several girls. It was like the modelling show where tyra banks were the host.
We was in a big room for fotoshooting, suddenly many of the girls dissapear. And the l...
Views: 636 Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 24, 2009 10:14pm by Rook
Back-to-back dreams
Alright, here goes. After the first dream I fell back asleep and had the second dream.
I was getting ready for some special event. My grandma was there, and so were maybe three other girls whom I have never met before. There was a bit before this, but I remember g...
Views: 647 Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 23, 2009 8:25pm by Sera
dream interpretation
Here is my current dream (actually 3-4 dreams on the same night, that may be related to each other, so I'll show them all, but I'm most interested in an interpretation of the FIRST one [or two: there were two almost identical ones about gas leaking]):
3/16/09 - T...
Pet Sharks...
Dream: I went to visit an ex of my partner who still sees the step-daughter. This man quite often ‘rescues’ animals from nature, and helps nurse them back to health (or in other words, takes in wild animals and takes them on as pets). He had a beach wit...
Views: 605 Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 23, 2009 2:02am by Rook
Prophet, Mother and Lights
Myself, a man of my own age, and my mother, approach a man sitting in a chair. I recognize him to be Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet. We approach the prophet as if in a line, one after the other, first the man, then me, followed by my mother. The prophet asks th...
Views: 618 Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 22, 2009 7:48pm by Kristi
stats from 7-14-10 to the present