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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
Jung's Role in psychology & Culture
Boardwalk-Indiatlantic Fl.Just finished a god workout at the gym. It is now just after noon, sunny, mid-70s and Im sitting at Starbuck's at Indiatlantic preparing in outline form the the paper i will use in classes have scheduled and plan to schedule on dreams and Ju...
Jung Podcasts-John Betts-Jungian Analyst
Here is a link to John Betts page that has 31 audio broadcasts {podcasts} explaining Jung's psychology. I have yet to listen to the audios but offer to anyone wishing to learn about Jungian psyche using audio. I will first direct link to his audio podcast Projection...
The Portable Jung
While listening to the CD of Anthony Stevens 'Jung: A Very Short Introduction' I couldn't help but think I had heard this before. I wrongly thought I had read his book previously some years ago but going through my 'library' I could not find it. Nor do I remember buy...
a dream of three dragons
im new to this and i hope someone will be able to help me, my dream comes in two parts, the first part starts... "why is he mad at me" driving down the road... the love of my life in the passanger seat (she is the woman ive been dating for 2 years on the internet wit...
Myth comes in the same zone as dream
Further Appreciation of Joseph Campbell to my understanding of Jungian psyce. Here is an exert from Transformations of Myth Through Time. I think this shows the richness of ideas Campbell articulated so well, ideas that are Jungian in translation.
The original v...
Dream Catchers & Infant Dreams
I am not one who puts a lot of money into decorating walls in my home but I do have several 'dream catchers' adorning particular areas. I have been fascinated by dream catchers for a long time believing the name alone makes them worthy of possession. But what exactly...
Joseph Campbell, Elementary Ideas & Archetypes
Thoughts of appreciation to Joseph Campbell while reading/listening to Anthony Stevens 'Jung-A Very Short Introduction'.
The strong influence of Joseph Campbell is greatly responsible for any understanding of Jungian psyche I may have. I think that has been well...
Dream about puppies (disturbing)
Hope you had a nice thanksgiving! I had this dream a few nights ago that has been on my mind. I'll give a little background first...I have been struggling with a relationship with a man I have been dating for about 6 months. He has this female friend who he had da...
Jung: A Very Short Introduction by Anthony Stevens
Now that I am situated in my new home and environment it is time to get to the 'nitty gritty' of what I would like to accomplish now that I am here. Although there are mundane things that are constant distractions I know what I need to do. And although it may see...
dream interpretation
I had a dream about posting here, I think. I dreamt of a large computer screen with a black background with a small drawing of an armchair in the lower left corner. :o)
My dream: I am planting marigolds(which are not blooming)in pots under the direction of a woma...
Views: 1475 Replies: 22
Last Post: Nov 20, 2012 9:55am by Peggy
Dream Interpretation
Hi. I've never really tried to decipher what my dreams meant until this last one. My significant other has had two dreams already that his teeth have fallen out. He just mentioned this to me last night. I ended up having a dream this morning that I was arguing wi...
Men's Health- REM Sleep & Morning Wood {Erection}
Isn't modern science amazing? Not only have we discovered the processed of sleep patterns we now know why men wake up with 'morning wood', or in proper language, erections when we awake in the morning. Seems is has nothing to do with erotic dreaming but all to do wit...
Meditation Linked To Better Heart Health
A new study in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes found that new research shows that African-Americans with heart disease who regularly practiced transcendental meditation were 48 percent less likely to have a heart attack, stroke or die fro...
Jerry's Dream
I had a dream last night that helped clear a lot of confusion in may waking life due to the changes over the past month involving my move from Middle Tennessee to the Space Coast of Florida. This was a move I had planned for some time, a working process in my mind...
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Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream Journal
This forum is for the discussion and interpretation of dreams. A Jungian perspective of how dreams are interpreted
To Surf, Perchance To Dream
It was fourteen years ago in October of 1998 I was quoted in a New York Times article To Surf, Perchance to Dream, the subject topic being the prevalence of computers in our dreams. It starts out with metaphorical references.
IF you dream that your hard drive is...
A Presidential Victory & A Rage Against the Machine
The election is over and we wake up to the same realities as we did yesterday.
But yesterday was an important day for our nation if not the world. Little has changed but in today's 'environment' that may be the best we could have hoped for. Unfortunately there ar...
Journal Entry: Woman's Hurtful Advice
This will be my first entry in my Dream Journal
I received a phone call early this morning from a young man of 18 yrs for whom I did not get a name or location but who was obviously distressed. There was a bad connection so it was difficult to understand everythin...
The Dream Forum Is Now the Dream Journal
I've made some important changes at the Dream Forum. The first is the change from the Dream Forum to the Dream Journal. This allows me to continue to interpret dreams, something I have been doing at this particular forum since 2005, while also providing a journal so...
Play the Halloween Game
Play the Halloween game I created {actually borrowed}. It is fun and the graphics are really great. Play the game at Halloween Game
Opps! Another 5 links created.
Myths-Dreams-Symbols Dream ForumSponsored & Supported by:
Gifford Fence Co/Middle Tenne...
New Web Site Up & Running/Hurricane A Coming
Have settled in my new digs in Palm Bay, Florida. Absolutely beautiful weather the first two weeks I have been here. Hurricane Sandy is causing some stir because of strong winds and rough surf so my first {and hopefully only} experience with hurricanes will be minima...
Leading a donkey to water
I was staying on a farm and I went to some cages where there were donkeys locked up individually, and I got one out of its cage and lead it by its collar to water. It was a hole in the ground about the size of a bucket, filled with water, and the donkey took a sip an...
Jet fighter, evasion, a house and underground tunnels.
Figuring this one out:
I had "acquired" a jet fighter from the United States airforce. I did not know at that stage how I had obtained it, but I felt I had done nothing wrong. When I talked about it people said I should not - that someone would come for me.
The Dog Who Likes Being Underwater
I am in a large swimming pool---my mother is at one end and we have a small white dog that likes to be underwater--there are no others in the pool with us. I am worried about the dog spending so much time underwater, afraid...
My Journey and Transition
Having made it to my new location in Palm Bay, Fl. without major incident {I had four cats along with me on my journey} I am now in the process of slowing making the transition from the obligated social being and those responsibilities that required so much of my men...
The oneness
Hi Jerry,
I believe the journey that you are seeking is the journey of the oneness. If you have a opportunity try to download Alan Watts discussion called "OUT Of YOUR MIND".( Start with this link. Although Jung journe...
I apologize in advance for the length. The dream is split into three parts. Here goes.
For a week or so I have been dreaming that I worked back at my old job. I’m happy to no longer be working there and cannot get why I keep dreaming of working there again....
My dream
So, as the dream started, I was in a yard of a large house, with a huge fence going through it. There was a girl is rags working the yard. She was my age, with red hair and freckles. I was talking to an old man, and he told me that they were at war with the french. I...
My Journey to Wholeness
For those who have visited the Dream Forum previously you may know of my plans to take early retirement so I can concentrate on my dream studies and my interest in learning more of what lies within the deeper psyche. Part of those plans include relocating from Middle...
Disturbing dream on birthday eve
Last night was the night before my 39th birthday. I dreamed that I was in a strange place and time with other people (not sure now who). We were with a dark-colored horse that was either very sick or badly injured--the horse was lying on the floor or ground and was d...
Views: 1650 Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 8, 2012 3:07pm by Milkweed
i had a dream where i was using scissors cutting off or something out on my left breast was numb and didnt feel a thing when done seen a vivid bright red bloody sore size of a quarter when done
Views: 568 Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 3, 2012 8:31pm by cathy
Busy Dreams--additional information
The beginning is on target and I offer the following in hopes it will help in your interpretation…hope to meet you at some point!
The family members addressed in the dream are an uncle that died in his mid sixties (prostate cancer) and I have wondered often...
Views: 713 Replies: 2
Last Post: Oct 1, 2012 2:27pm by Lawrence
Pentacle-like unknown symbol
I need the purpose/names of these two symbols. And translation of the text (if possible). Please respond if you have either. I'm familiar with the origins of the #2 symbol, but don't know lots purpose or what it means.
#1 -
Views: 592 Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 25, 2012 9:45am by Cory
baby birds
My dream is me walking through the house of the man I am involved with. As I walk, I see him, and when I look around I see shelves with baby birds chirping, each time my eye looks around his house, except when I look at him.
It starts at a funeral. My Dad's brother had died and a whole bunch of family and people I never met came out to the funeral. Someone made a comment that people who won't even show for a wedding will come out for a funeral. After it was over people were all leavin...
Views: 699 Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 21, 2012 11:20pm by Dreamer
Turning friends into Zombies, while Im normal!
Ok strange dream this morning. What does it mean? In it I was working for Blockbuster video (?), and was with my neighbour Katie. She worked at a branch a few towns away than the one I worked at. I picked my son and her son (theyre friends) up from school and we t...
Views: 585 Replies: 4
Last Post: Sep 18, 2012 5:03pm by Jamme New Website
When I first began building my Myths-Dreams-Symbols website back in 1998 I never dreamt it would become such an important tool for my future {to include my son with his business in Orlando}. I just learned of great news to do with my new website and because of that I...
strange dream
Hello there!
Last night I had a really strange dream that kind of freaked me out. It actually seems to be the last one of a series of dreams related to a specific friend of mine, with whom I have been having some trouble for the past 2 months. But this one was reall...
Premature Labor
I am 7 months pregnant and had an awful dream last night that I had gone into labor unknowingly.
In the dream I got up out of bed to go to the bathroom, something I do every night because I am pregnant, and when I pulled my underwear down I saw that I was bleeding...
I dreamt I was shopping in two places last night – the first place, I was outside, and it was cold (my bedroom got cold at one point and I think I incorporated it into the dream) I was passing this rather large building. I had on a bright red wool winter coat....
I was dreamin about a baby outside of home and I have to take care of him, but I could not find him. Suddenly I saw him was crying and I brought him hime and huged him. then I saw my friends and I are complaining to authorities about situation (maybe human right), we...
Views: 1310 Replies: 2
Last Post: Sep 6, 2012 10:16am by mina
bridge that divides, goes higher with no end and a toll sign
very simple dream just doesn't know what it means... i'm on a bridge that goes higher, splits onto ramps that takes me higher. it splits again and takes me higher. i don't know where i'm going and a sign says there is a toll ahead. all i can see is the blue sky and...
Raining Ashes
Hey :) I have come here a lot and you always help me when I am looking for answers. So here is another one...
Last night I dreamed that I was back in Job Corps but it look significantly different. I saw a friend and was trying to introduce her to my family, in real...
My husband Larry and I am in the back bedroom/den of my mother’s house, my childhood home. We are on our hands and knees and there is an empty bucket---Larry has a piece of cardboard I think and there are live objects on the floor,...
Study: Sleep on your stomach and have sexier dreams? Maybe
A new study states that by sleeping on your stomach you will have 'sexier' dreams. A dream researcher in Hong Kong named Calvin Kai-Ching Yu, of Shue Yan University says his study shows that those who sleep in the prone position were much more likely to score highly...
strange dreams
I have dreams about an old friend that will not talk to me anymore,in my dreams he acts like my best friend. In my last dream he gave me a note in it he said he loved me and always have, he was wearing a white shirt. In real life when I see him aroud town or when he...
Verification For Posting Due to Spam
For the past few months I have used verification when making a post so that spam is not posted. I have had problems with a 'virus' type spamming and had to institute verification controls to eliminate the spam. As of today i am removing those controls to see if the '...
The Crime in an Underground Tunnel
I am in an narrow, underground tunnel, grey cement. I have come upon a crime that is soon to be committed by a man that I work with. He has captured another man and is going to molest him---I have my cell phone in my hand (for some reason it reminds me now of a gr...
An Unpate On My Journey-Part 2- An Overview of My Path to Wholeness
In this second part of my post I wish to comment on the complexities of having to serve the social dragon while desiring to live out the bliss in life. To understand how I got to this point you can read Part 1 of my post.
First let me say I chose to be in this pos...
Busy Dreams
Greetings my Friend,Life is great and my dreams have not been consistent. Managing to work with them but I wanted your input on the following because I cannot determine the deceased ones being with live family:
Dream of July 25, 2012
I was preparing to run a te...
Half my head blew off and lived
Ok so I dreamed my stepdad shot me in the back of the head after he told me to say my prayers it I didn't die and I didn't feel anything at all I even got uP to use the bathroom and look at the wound on my head which was almost the back right quarter. Then I ran down...
Father's suit
Hi there,
I recently had one interesting dream:
While working in my air-conditioned office I'm sweating although it's cool there. Suddenly I see my father's suit on wall in front of my table.I started to search something in that suit. In one pocket of pants i f...
An Unpate On My Journey-Part 1- An Overview of My Path to Wholeness
I have frequently mentioned my personal journey to achieving wholeness and now that I am extremely near the point where that is possible, I wish to update recent experiences. In particular I want to comment on what I believe to be an important message of which Joseph...
Dream of toenail
I dreamt that the toenail on the pinky of my right foot was removed while I am clipping it and it felt really awful. I tried to put it back but it hurts so much. I am really curious of what it means. I hope you could help me out.
Sponsorship of the Dream Forum
At the end of every post I make you will see the following:
Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:Gifford Fence-Middle TennesseeNashville/Murfreesboro/Brentwood/ Franklin/ Lebanon/Hendersonville/Mt. Juliet/SpringhillGifford Fence Orlando/Gifford Fence MelbourneMelb...
Buried ancient statues
I had this dream a couple of nights ago, that I want to share. I am trying to figure its meaning.
I am in a tv documentary hosted by Carl Sagan, on an archaeological dig into an underground cave that is also underwater.
We are digging and come across these anc...
A childhood dream that is still with me
It is evening, twilight – everything is in shades of grey and the world is silent.
I am walking slowly up a gentle hill covered with grass and occasional low-lying bushes. I am not sure why I am there or where I am going – I seem to be about 10 years...
Views: 629 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 22, 2012 5:39am by Tom
Bad Restaurant Experience
Hi again,
It's been a while since I came here. I had an interesting dream where I went to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. It was one that I went to a few times before, but in the dream, it changed into a more buffet-style operation than ordering from a menu. Th...
Dream full of mixed feelings
Last night I dreamed I was making passionate love to a female friend of mine. (I used to have feelings for her but she didn't return those feelings - we hardly see each other anymore). The sex was hard and passionate (I include this as other sites I've looked on seem...
Views: 649 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 20, 2012 1:20pm by John
The Slasher
My sister and I get on a bus ---she has selected a movie for us to watch called Slasher. It is like we are in the movie. I sit on one side and she sits on the other. The bus is full of people. I tell her I really don’t like these kind of movies. I am going...
Views: 677 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 17, 2012 7:17pm by Pat
white wolf
In my dream, I was hiking on a mountain near the ski area where I used to live, but I had gotten far away from the people that were usually around up there, and it seemed a different and lonely place where I was. It was brushy and damp but there was no snow until nea...
My lover murders me
I have had 3 dreams where I am with my lover and I am covered with blood or laying in blood.
In the first, I am sitting in his lap wearing a white gown. He moves his hand over my abdomen and the gown changes colors like a rainbow and sparkles. I am thinking how...
Views: 669 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 16, 2012 5:48pm by Helen
First Lucid dream....I think???
I am pretty sure I have just experienced my first lucid dream...but I am not 100%, hence why I am here...this site, along with a few others: dreaming mask and lucid dreaming app, problem is, I need to know where to go in order to do the best research....please help LOL
Transitions-My Journey to Wholeness
A note about my journey. I am going through a major transition in my life involving so many forces it is often hard to discern what is up and what is down. In March I took early retirement {I am officially retired} but have to work several more months to generate eno...
dream about a friend having a baby
I had a dream about my best friend last night. She had a baby, it was a boy. It wasn't clear that she was married in my dream or not, but she's single in reality. In my dream I was going to see them and the baby was so weak.
Views: 19523 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 1, 2012 8:12am by Marzieh
Following My Bliss
I wish to take a little space to report on my journey. Those who are aware of my quest know of my desire to be able to spend all my time working with dreams and my website Myths-Dreams-Symbols. My path is predicated on two philosophies, both related. One is the Jungi...
Views: 688 Replies: 1
Last Post: May 30, 2012 8:03pm by Sam
I am walking into a different time dimension...I have done this before. A younger woman is with me, my sister at first but she changes into others during the dream. We are walking around a dry lake bed and enter the place where we go back into time where there is s...
Views: 661 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 30, 2012 2:08pm by Pat
Pregnant cow.
I have a cow and she is very pregnant. I remember listening to her swollen belly as she lays on her back like a human with a stethoscope.I decide to sleep with her on the straw and am so very very tired. Of course I am naked and worry at one point of whether my cow i...
Dream Forum Up and Running
The Dream Forum is once again operational. The problem was there was a limit on the number of posts {I have 15,000+} and I needed to increase that limit to 100,000 at additional cost. There as a problem with renewal fees since I had just recently renewed the service...
second dream in series tai chi
this dream seems in series to my last post.
This time i have my own tai chi class i ask for the help of my teachers teacher a grand master chu king hung. He comes to assit me i am surprised by this. the class has 2 very small todlers only a foot high they take all m...
Views: 635 Replies: 2
Last Post: May 14, 2012 2:01pm by David
I was in my grandparents' home, in the long corridor. I was walking fast, in a hurry. a man was following me, he was very close at some point he even touched me. he looked harmless, was carrying luggage I think, but I just had no time for him and felt annoyed so I sp...
Views: 1906 Replies: 8
Last Post: May 14, 2012 12:56am by Leti
a tree and a love question
Hello everyone... Please tell me smthing about this dream... i think it has a very important message for my life right now..
Here it goes:
I am in a forest. A big forest, old with a lots of trees. It is like a magical forest. There is also a guy who is like a gid...
Views: 864 Replies: 6
Last Post: May 13, 2012 5:29pm by Veronika
Last one for College Class THANKS JERRY!
Im sitting in a classroom. the room is somewhat empty. I sense people are late. I look up and do not see the teacher. A girl jumps through the window above the door. The teacher appears. My eyes closed an i hear and feel people arguing, but it feels like peace and de...
The Viking is moved in with a cloud of dirt
A few nights ago I had a series of dreams in which I was Princess Diana. The one dream that I can't stop thinking about is the one I will post here. I have very rarely had a dream where I am actually experiencing the smell.
Views: 738 Replies: 4
Last Post: May 11, 2012 12:43pm by Rook
Elaine's Purse
Thank you for your interpretation which has given me much to ponder. I am devoting a lot of my time and energy to recording my dreams, reading and studying Jungian psychology and working on my personal dreams. There are losses and missed opportunities that...
chile to teen nightmare
When i was about 6 i had this dream that i was in a dark room and these lines were coming towards me and if in this dream they were skinny i would die dream lasted a long time and later it would switch up if they were to fat i would die. this dream haunted me till i...
I had gone back to my old tai chi class with some nostalgic sentiment even though my teacher had died. Too my surprise he was alive teaching the class i was very shocked, as the class went on his image changed and it was another elderly man teaching the class. i real...
Elaine's Purse
I am observing this dream as if it were a TV show and I am walking inside it---Elaine (from the Seinfeld show) is sitting at a small table in an open area that is crowded with people (reminds me on the inside of an airport terminal. I am admiri...
Someone projectile vomiting into my mouth and onto my clothes
Yep, nasty dream last night where i was in a education/learning environment and a kid projectile vomited into my mouth and onto my clothes.
I was disgusted but calmed down and said 'Well he/she(cannot remember which) can't help being ill'
Cannot remember muc...
Views: 1718 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 26, 2012 3:01pm by Edward
Posting For college class: "You've always Known"
Day events: Practiced for a demonstration speech for COM101, had a previous dream which I spent half the day trying to decode/figure out. Worked out, changed the time I usually do them, after a week to convince myself to do them early. I asked in prayer to meet my dr...
The viel of knowledge
I m standing in an open area. I feel the presence of an important person. I open my eyes, ive got on a brown jacket, blue jeans with an earpiece and dark shades. I know I’m an agent to protect and make sure this event goes right. Im at the bottom of a long stai...
request dream interpretation
I am sitting down in a box car on a freight train. To my left is a beautiful brown horse, coat is shiny and he is very alert. The door to the box car is wide open, and we are looking out as the train is slowing down and moving towards the left (rt. to left)and we are...
Views: 655 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 22, 2012 11:30am by Teresa
The old fat dog should have won the race
I am watching a race of dogs--different breeds and ages. There is an oval shaped white track that is on a slant--first goes downhill then uphill. I am sitting with some others by the uphill slant. They are putting dog food at the end of the track and then let the d...
Views: 648 Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 22, 2012 7:49am by Pat
Cinnamon Muffins & Jack Daniels
I’m standing inside a tow truck company office and they have several long tables set up with baked goods for sale. I see a giant cinnamon muffin and start to feel like I must have it. I pick up the muffin and see that it is expired; I then feel extreme sadness...
hotel on fire
I was in a hotel in England. Suddenly the fire alarm is sounded and we tourists are told to take our things and get out. I take automatically some things (I don't remember what) and get out, knowing that this is what should be done in such situations. I also noticed...
“Peril, Survival, Love and Death”
I was being held captive by a family of killers. They already killed my two friends in front of me. I had a gut feeling I would survive. My cousin came into the house and I asked him to help me. He nodded, so I needed time to distract the killers. I started telling t...
Pleasantly Surprised
I had a dream that my best friend, I'll call him Fred, burst through my front door in his winter boots and parka, and he was also wearing a green-turquoise paisley scarf that he got me for my 18th birthday. For some back story, Fred and I have been friends since kind...
I dreamed my father in law became a painter, but he needed to move out because his daughters and wife wouldn't allow him to paint.
He turned the attic into a studio, but it didn't have a roof. While the wife and daughters would remain sitting on the couch,...
a killing and a wedding
I have some understanding of Jung's symbols and archetypes and am a student of mythology. However, I need a little help with this one, though most of it might be obvious!
Two dreams this morning, separate but inter-related.
1) I dreamt that there was a dead...
Views: 601 Replies: 3
Last Post: Apr 8, 2012 3:58pm by Marianne
Dream or nightmare??
I had a dream, or rather a nightmare the other night which I would really like to look into a little bit more, because I can;t seem to shake it off. Please be patient as I will be describing it in detail, so it might be a little lengthy.
I also have to make...
Eggs on a Tree
Hello Jerry,
It's been a long time! I hope and wish you're doing well. Here's a very vivid dream I had tonight.
In my yard, I have a wonderful lemon tree that provides many kilos of lemons almost all year through! I saw that I was in the yard and on its trunk,...
Views: 687 Replies: 4
Last Post: Apr 8, 2012 7:42am by Cynthia
Moose and carbon monoxide
Hi Jerry!
This is one of those dreams that had me waking up going, huh?
I was walking through a nearby town, and I saw a moose walking around. Someone had hung a sign from the moose's antlers. It was the sign of a local bank (there is no such bank) that said...
shooting windows
I've had this dream before...basically.
I understand the recurring part, but I'm having trouble with the rest...any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm at a swimming pool and there is a fence around it.
This pool is a lot like the one I spent time in as a c...
Views: 783 Replies: 8
Last Post: Apr 1, 2012 6:13pm by Nona
Oversized trees
So for the second night in a row, I dreamed with huge trees trees. The first night somebody was speaking (like a Christmas message) from the top/within the tree. It was a friend from high school. I am now 49. Last night my friend (in the dream) dropped me off to pick...
Sankes in bed
My father had this dream where he was in the same bed he sleeps, but with snakes beside him and all over the room. He said he was paralyzed and scared and felt as it was real. His age is 47, and his zodiac is also snake. He said his business is not running smoothly a...
Snapdragon & Palm Leaves
An aunt passed away over 5 years ago and she appeared to me in my dream. I was sitting in front of her and she motioned for me to come to her. As I approached her, I noticed she had flowers in her hand which were snapdragons. She wrapped two snapdragons individually...
I had two dreams last night with Red and White and I thought this quite unusual.
The first was I was in a White Mercedes Benz in a white coat and the car was facing inland near the sea at a place called Weston. The car was stationary and i was aware of someone be...
Views: 566 Replies: 3
Last Post: Mar 25, 2012 12:56pm by Karuna
swimming dog
I have a pet dog that I dearly love. I dreamt that she was swimming in the pool. I particularly love swimming especially diving and swimming underwater. I dreamt of my dog diving under the water in the pool. I remember looking down at her but also under the water, se...
wallet in dream
n my dream I was at an auction with my dad and I was looking for a (blue)jacket. I came across a wallet and opened it up it belonged to a person called Saint Clair. Next I was applying for a job in a modern building with very thin stairs, I got the job and was asked...
Views: 608 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 18, 2012 11:09am by paula
Surviving zombie apocalypse.
Alright, it's a pretty long story that I've dream 3 times in a row just in 1 night, but imma make it shorter. It somehow started at an ordinary apartment(10th floor); formations and households were new(which I'm not used to it). In the room, had 4 people, me, my aunt...
Diamond Heart Jewelry
Hi there,
I recently had a dream sequence that that has totally puzzled me. Dream opens with me, standing with my sister in front of one old building in center of town where I live. In reality this building exist and this
winter was decorated with some lights - d...
Half awake dream
I wanna know if anybody can explain a half awake dream I ahd. It started out with some light to moderate breathing and it felt like I was starting to watch a movie screen out of the bottom of my left eye only. I kept watching as it was coming toward me flashing pictu...
I was dreaming of being a a group of work colleagues but we were in the outdoord. One of them has a son, 10, named Eli who was laying in a tentlike cave peacefully with a big black bear. I recall feeling curious, but not surprised by the association. My attention shi...
Spaceships, buildings, explosions, oh my
So my dream went like this and I want to know what is going on in my subconscious. FYI, the kids from The Series of Unfortunate Events appear in my dream and they are smart, the boy is quiet and the girl is an inventor.
There was a tall building, I couldn't see th...
Views: 690 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 3, 2012 10:08am by Andrea
Difference between visions and dreams?
Good evening! I found a post about salvia below interesting, and I had some thoughts. I have never used salvia or any other drug to induce visions. These visions often come very naturally to me. These are visions during awake and aware times. Some people may cal...
Views: 1724 Replies: 4
Last Post: Mar 3, 2012 12:22am by Angie
A shooting and being unable to help
I was going with a small group of people to a house I've never been to before in a dismal-looking neighborhood. It was a depressing place, and we were there to help a family evict a man with mental issues. All of these people were strangers to me, but I seemed to be...
I had traveled to Japan or Asia it was not clear, I had gone into a office building to visit my tai chi instructor. He was the office manager , I initially saw him he greeted me warmly and was happy to see me, he said could I wait for him for a little while. I can w...
Views: 685 Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 2, 2012 2:41am by David
Destroying old house that now dead ex and I lived in....
Hello! I would like to have some help interpreting this dream I had last night....
I had a dream that I was taking down the house my ex-husband and I lived in.
I dreamed that I was tearing apart the house and when I was finished their was nothing left but the b...
Full Moon with Red Ring around it
I dreamt that my paternal grandmother had died a year earlier (she is currently alive) and me, my mom, my brother and his girlfriend were all at this really old house with a cemetary in front There was a dark shadow in the house that creeped me out. I can't remember...
dream of husband who passed away a year ago
I was sitting outside on a bench, it was a gloomy day with slush around in the snow. My husband, (who passed away almost a year ago) sat next to me. I told him I was so happy to see him I had missed him. He would only smile throughout the dream. He held me and we...
Campbell's Monomyth-The Basic Patterns of the Hero Journey
I have put together a new page that outlines the basic patterns/stages of the Hero's Journey. Included are several short videos that illustrate the various stages in cinema film
“ A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatur...
Joseph Campbell Quotes
Saturday Morning Brain NourishmentJoseph Campbell was truly a man of wisdom. Here are quotes over his lifetime that have become stable for modern day thinking.
A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.
Computers are like...
Deja Vu - The Past
Had a very vivid dream a night ago. I was outside looking at these stone buildings that looked old style English and had vibrant green ivy growing all over them from ground to roof vertically. I see my father and a couple of other older men. They are dressed in ni...
Blood and Fire
I don't have scary dreams very often but this one scared me really bad and I don't know why.
I was in the kitchen with my mother, and she asked me to go get something from my room so I did. And when I opened the door to my bedroom I saw a big puddle of blood on the...
The Natural Explanation of God
God. Who is he, what is he, is he even a he? For someone like myself who has given up on organized religion and replaced it with a spiritual concept that displaces dogma, yet excepts the icons as {Jesus, Buddha} examples to live a truly spiritual life, seeking answer...
Views: 763 Replies: 3
Last Post: Feb 16, 2012 6:13pm by rosa
The price of human life
The Price of Humans is interesting because there is political corruption, examination of poverty, and class battles to examine the psyche of humans. The Author presents a character whose enormous girth reflects his omniscient role among the other factory workers: ...
dark night dream
In this dream I was speaking with two friends. We were all US military wives, but the other two women were from Korea. We were bored, and decided we would try to sneak around the military base where we all lived. It was a dark, dark night. No stars were out, and...
I recently have experienced multiple visions induced by a sage called Salvia. The visions i had are as followed.
1) A purple snake slithers toward me And i watch from the third person as it swallows me. Once consumed i am back into the first person and run through...
my dream showed me like a planet, it was night, desert, and in the planet there was this clock with symbols, the clock was incomplete, the symbols inside this circumference that was a clock: it showed 2 circles unified by a straitgh line o-o one was slighty bigger t...
Finger comes off and hole in arm
I dreamed that people were flocking to our home because something interesting had happened. They were coming into the house uninvited. I tried to close the door, and I said, "My finger feels strange." It had come off with no blood. I also had a large hole in my a...
Difficult Journey
I dreamt I was in a very large industrial area; it was similar to a Victorian sight with chimneys smoking away. Where I was, there was a very large factory unit which had a tower in the middle which consisted of three stories, so altogether four stories, it was the...
Dreamt of childhood dog, and first love together
I was walking down a street with my dog (who passed away when I was around 16) She grew up with me. She appeared very happy like she was smiling and seemed like she was prancing when she walked, her fur was lighter and she was so clean and young looking. Along with m...
Views: 619 Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 6, 2012 12:08pm by Melinda
Jumping into the Abyss
I had a dream last night between the 1st and 2nd of February that seem to me either an indication of things to come or of making the jump to something unknown.
It started off with me being perhaps 20 years younger about high school age. I had long hair and I was...
A Nightmare
A true nightmare Here.
Jerry Myths-Dreams-Symbols is Sponsored by:Gifford Fence-Middle Tennessee & Gifford Fence OrlandoMelbourne Dreams & Metaphysics
Devil & Suicide
So I'm fairly new to this site & I have to say that I'm not good at explaining things so I will try my best. My dream started off when I was in a room that was kind of narrow and had a bunch of windows all along the wall that had locks. The door of the room had a but...
Good morning!
Early this morning, I had a dream that I was by a poolside. There was a man standing in the distance (a friend of mine) watching me. There were quite a few other people lying by the poolside (there was a lot of blue and white clothing), but nobod...
Silver pistol
I dreamed that I'm standing at entry of some building with three unknown men. One of them, the old men, insist that I join them in robbery or some kind of criminal activity, for this time only. I'm not sure that is ok,but suddenly I realize that I have beautiful big...
REM & Non-REM Sleep - Brain Science & Jungian Psyche
Having watched once again the BBC Horizon video 'Why do we Dream' I ask questions of myself about the focus of the physiological aspects of film compared to Jung's theory of psychological aspects. Are there opposing forces here or are we beginning to better understan...
Poisonous Spider
I do not remember a great deal about this dream. The dream involved a poisonous spider. I wrestled with this spider, capturing it in a white plastic bag. The plastic bag was not your typical plastic bag. It was made of thick, white plastic, and shaped like a paper lu...
Owl power animal and infection
This was a dream from 2 nights ago, and I feel there is something important in here I am not seeing.
I do work with power animals, and I am not sure if you know much about them. I had owl with me for the last 8 months or so. I recently felt a shift and felt owl...
Views: 676 Replies: 6
Last Post: Jan 16, 2012 2:52pm by Angie
The Function of Myth-They teach you that you can turn inward
In the story of my journey I have often told of the time of my first encounter will Joseph Campbell and how that first experience changed my life.
The story goes: Turning on the TV to PBS one Sunday afternoon in 1992 I saw Campbell being interviewed by Bill Moyer...
I meant no harm
My grandson who is seven came to me this morning and said that he dreamt that he was a fighter, the meanest, most terrible fighter. He said that the people ran him out of the town. He told them that he meant no harm but people were always coming up against him. T...
I was at a bar I work when I found out my best guy friend died his twin brother was there with me andd my coroner uncle I took off running and my dog was with meand I kept tryimg to call people I didnt know what to do felt alone my friemd who lost her boyfriend answe...
My heart was falling out of my chest
I am not sure how it started but suddenly I felt something on my chest, I thought that was odd, I had no long necklace on. I reached up to my chest and looked down to see that what I had in my hand was my heart, somehow my chest was an open cavity, no pain just my h...
Eyes falling out
My four-year old had a dream that my eyes had fallen out? This occurred last night and he was pretty upset. A few nights earlier he was questionning my wife if I were Santa Claus and I was going to leave him. I assume it was from watching the Tim Allen "Santa Clause"...
Views: 2660 Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 7, 2012 1:13pm by Bob
dangerous foundation
Hi Jerry,
Background info: In waking life I just got laid off from my job, which was supporting me and my boyfriend, my boyfriend are having problems (mostly me wanting more physical intimacy than he), and I'm under a lot of stress to get my master's thesis done....
Shark (Jaws)
Good morning!
I had a very long dream last night that had to do with Jaws. I don't remember the first part very well...only that Jaws ripped the limbs off of some people. During the last part, I was a young girl at a sleepover at another young girl's house. I...
Views: 734 Replies: 13
Last Post: Jan 6, 2012 10:34am by Angie
driving out of control
I've been having a dream for the past year or so where I'm driving in my truck on a road that is familiar to me but for some reason I can't control the truck. It's always dark and I can barely see past the hood of the truck. I'm going around curves going off the roa...
Views: 606 Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 31, 2011 2:55am by Brennan
Jung's Archetypes-A Brief Summary
Excerpt from Personality and Personal Growth
My comments/thoughts are shown within black bordered captions
The archetype is probably Jung's most difficult concept. Archetypes are inherited predispositions to respond to the world in certain ways. They are primordi...
Lesbian Wedding
I dreamt that I was getting ready for my wedding but I was marrying a lesbian. I wanted to finish my hair so I left and hid in the hotel until I was ready but by that stage by female fiance knew that I wouldnt go through with the wedding.
My current husba...
Two boys asleep in the car, the two year wakes up runs out of the car crying and said to me that a scary voice told him to wake up after a few seconds the car starts rolling with the baby inside and a huge man is standing there with a whip in his hand and has a cloud...
dungeons dream
First of all, hi everybody.
So, last night i had a really weird dream. I was walking in some kind of dungeons. I can not remember what was happening in each one but i can remember that one of them had to do something with my grandmoters health( She is alive), and on...
Rehired, maggots at work, boat, drinking staff
I really can not imagine what this would mean. The dream was really bizarre.
I was hired by my company that I already work for. The owner showed me the warehouse where I was to prepare it for being usable by the company. I looked at the lighting and said I hate...
Christmas Vacation
I will be visiting my son in Orlando for Christmas and although the Dream Forum will be open I will have limited access to a computer and may be unable to address all dream posts. I will do my best to do so but please understand if I am unable to provide timely inter...
Nightmare about my ex
i had a dream last night that my ex (broke up for the second time in a month a week ago) had created a myspace page to find out from ppl how to get rid of me for good????
Maniacal supernatural ginger-haired figure who kills me
Had a very vivid dream about this figure. He was hidden for most of the dream and only appeared later as the guiding force behind all the other strange and scary happenings involved in the dream. He appeared slim, wearing black and had nothing particularly distinguis...
Need help with a photo project based on dreams
Hi everyone,
I am so happy I found your forum. I decided to leave a message and ask for your help.
For a new photo project I desperately need ideas about dreams. I would be so much obliged to all of you, if you could just very briefly describe one or more of your...
Views: 554 Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 17, 2011 10:45pm by Lucy
stats from 7-14-10 to the present