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I did try and study the meaning of this dream,But think theres more to it.I could not find a meaning for some of the things that stuck out.

The begining of this dream starts out with this guy talking to hundreads of people on a poduim.Kinda like Hitler,But not hitler.The next part of the dream is my companion and I were visiting Nevada city,(very spirtual little town)and there was all this constuction going on I didnt think much of it.My companion and I were looking for a place to live or rent,so a gentleman took us to his place.There was a cottage in his back yard it was beautiful.Joe and I went inside,It was cute ,But the ceiling was really low.We were having sex and giggling becouse he kept hitting his head on the ceiling.I then remember taking a piece of the ceiling and kept asking "Is this asbestoes"? We cant live hear if this is asbestoes,so we left.Iam walking up a hill and notice that Joe has run back to get something.I waited for a while for him,and was puzzled he was taking so long.I was getting ready to leave and there is no Joe.Then he is in our room watching not one,But 2 t.v.s and one of them is hidden in a chest,and its a huge chest w/a big screen t.v. . Every once in a while he would peek into this chest to look at this t.v. I thought "what in the heck does he need two televisions for"??

Nevada City is a very special place to me,Its where my whole journry of enlightenment began.It holds a very special energy unlike anything I have ever felt.I do dream of this place often and iam uselly always late checking out of the room in each dream,as with this one also?? Again I know parts of this dream,But not its full meaning..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Asbestos

In the last two weeks there has been a significant increase in my remembering dreams,I cant help but to think of all the correlations.The number 3 is in my dreams everynight,and never stops appearing to me.

I dreamed 2 nights ago of 3 clay pots.I was rinsing these out in a river,and kept checking the water levels.There were 2 square pots and a circle one,they were 10 gal pots.One of them, the circle pot started floating w/the current,I then retreived this pot.And again checked the water level inside.

Last night i dremped,of a face w/three differnt skins,and stitches that stiched the skin together were apparent.Also a woman sitting at a desk with candel light,saying "they will not come w/out the light"...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 yuba city ca

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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