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blinking technique!

I had a form of lucid dream when I was younger, around the ages of 10 - 14. In the dream I would meet my mum, but then know she wasn't 'really' my mum and use lucid dreaming and 'blink' hard and move onto the next dream. This would then be going to speak to or see my mum and again, thinking "but that's not really her?" Again, I would blink and move onto the next stage of the dream. These were never nightmares, as I felt in control of 'moving on' with the blink technique any time there was anything I didn't like.
Sometimes though they seemed so real/repetitive that I told my mum about them and asked her to kind of see if there was anything she wanted to tell me - about being adopted or anything! lol
In reality, I am definately my mother's blood daughter - there is no mystery there.
Was this more to do with the dream saying I could 'move on' in dreams any time there was something that was uncomfortable? or simply an enlarged ego/sense of empowerment - I rarely have lucid dreams as an adult now?

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Re: blinking technique!

Perhaps your dream wasn't so much a lucid dream as it was a wishful event. As children and adolescents our minds often will use imaginary techniques to help fantasize about something in life. At 10 to 14 you are undergoing life changes {the ones only girls get to have}. This may be the stages your dream was addressing. Being a male I can only imagine the psychological affects from going through such changes but there may have been emotions during that period of time where you wish you could just 'blink' and have it over with, going on to the next stage {I have a 12 year old grandson who is greatly anticipating becoming a teenager-going from one stage of life to the next-growing up}.

As for your mom not being your mom in the dream. That may be part of the psychological changes you were going through, an unconscious realization that you will one day be the 'mom'. Feeling as if you have control in 'moving on' would fit with this since you do have some control over the some physical aspects of the changes {use of female devices to control the 'flow'}.
Does this make sense in your case?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: blinking technique!

Perhaps.... but it was more to do with identity and place within the family I think?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: blinking technique!

Great. I'm glad you are able to understand the dream on your own. I don't tend to analyze my dreams unless I believe there is some other significance to them beyond the range of my ordinary psyche self. And when I do the relationship to my waking life is often clear. Archetypal dreams are not often an everyday, or every month occurrence. Plus they almost always carry enough psyche energy to realize their importance.

But practice makes perfect and to be able to help others understand their dreams one must be able to interpret their own.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 56 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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