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I had a dream, the other night, where there were lots of male vampires around me - I mean I was aware that they were 'getting people' but they didn't attack or bother me. For protection, I remember visualising or saying to myself in the dream "beautiful silver, sparkling glittering silver" repeating the description of silver like a protective spell and visualing a glittering, silver 'aura' around me like an umbrella, as protection. The mood was one of wonderment and security - joy, that I had this beautiful thing that made me invunerable.
Then I came face to face with a female vampire, a similiar age or slightly younger than me and so I began the spell again, fearing she would attack me, but she said she wouldn't, although that was her 'nature', somehow she loved me and so I was safe?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37 UK

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Re: vampires/animus/anima

The male vampires were good looking, a similiar age to me, if not in fact five year or so younger?
Could this be a sexual dream of some sort?

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Re: vampires/animus/anima

Now I think it is more to do with integrating the shadow? The shadow has the 'nature' and the potential to harm - being a vampire, but everything is ok, because there is love and acceptance -acknowledging the shadow?
Am I completely off track?

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