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fear of darkness

Hi, last night I dreamt I had an illness, it was my fear of darkness. I can't recall everything clearly, or accurately but I think that when I would close my eyes, darkness would invite things, people and events that were not really there but made up only by me. Somehow it wasn't dreaming but my consciousness making up things and scaring me, making me believe they could be true.
Perhaps part of this illness was fatigue and slurred speech, I am not too sure now.

I remember being in my home, in my room, with a window in front of me, I remember seeing people outside the window, people full of mystery, perhaps dangerous as well. My father and brother might have been in that room. I remember thinking of my illness, feeling afraid of darkness, fear as overwhelming, yet I woke up slightly intrigued by this dream, yet perhaps not that scared.

I wish I could remember more, it might have given more clues. What could it mean? My fear of plunging into this uncertainty, this fear becoming an illness, a habit, and male figures surrounding this illness, no feminine qualities. Any ideas would be appreciated,
thank you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Melbourne Australia

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Re: fear of darkness

the darkness in your dream could refer to the shadow aspects of your self,
ie the things you think you are not,not all these shadow traits are negative though,some can be positive but suppressed because of what the system,religion,or a parents dictates,
if you are in the dark,
you are lacking information,uninformed,
the dream images may contain the very information you need to look at and shed light on,what do the characters in the dream suggest or mean to you?
by doing this,you will be bringing the issues into consciousness,ie into the light,
if issues are not addressed,they can manifest on the outside by projecting your fears and anxieties onto others,so would be similar to an illness,cause and effect,
what do you feel is the cause of the dream?
i hope this starts the ball rolling for you,
regards steve

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

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Re: fear of darkness

Thanks Steve,

if only i could see the images/dreams when I closed my eyes, but i was so afraid to close my eyes that i don't recall much, strange enough when I am writing this it almost sounds like being afraid to dream, afraid to see beyond. I mean in my waking life I take my dreams seriously perhaps too seriously, I enjoy dreaming and trying to decipher what it means, yet in this dream, darkness or dreaming means something else?

What do I think brought about this dream? Well actually it's so literal but say bringing about tears, or feeling emotions overwhelming me at a particular moment in time, I see that as an illness, well it can lead into an illness if I am not strong enough. That's what happens often in my waking life, and perhaps my lack of confidence can lead into unhealthy relationships with others. Well it has a few times already, and I am afraid of that to repeat again and again.

Anyway, lately in my waking life, I am preparing to going back to uni after a holiday break, it will be my final year, a sixth year of my long course in architecture. And lately, I have been really interested in images, in collecting images from articles, anything that interests me, fascinates me, colours, interesting layouts, things that can also help me in my year at uni, when designing or finalising my projects. Things that can bring an idea.
So in that sense an image, is a positive thing.
In the dream, the image, imagining or dreaming was scary. I don't know, i find these parallels interesting, thanks for your help,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Melb Australia

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Re: Re: fear of darkness

there is nothing to fear,
take up your trusty sword,step into the cave and slay the dragon,
you are not alone!

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