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driving blind

Hi guys,
well here goes, this dream is re-occuring.
I all of a sudden find myself behind the wheel of a car driving and it feels like my eyes are glued matter how hard i try i cant pry them open...i keep driving but dont hit gives me a feeling of panic, but after a bit i get the sensation i must know the road so well that i know it off by heart...but i still feel panicked like i should be hitting something like other cars on the road as i cant see were im going....during this whole time im trying my hardest to pry my eyes open to the point it feels like ive entered the conscious (no longer dreaming im driving but knowing im asleep) and still fighting to open my eyes, I even try pulling them open with my fingers in this dream like state (in the dream not physicaly) gets to the point it feels like im fighting my body to open my eyes so i can wake up but my body doesnt want to wake up so puts up a huge fight.
I do get to open my eyes in the end but this is to the awake state no longer left with a very groggy state and just want to go back to sleep as i feel like i got no sleep at all.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31 Australia, central coast

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Re: driving blind

the road and vehicle would suggest the journey you are undertaking,it may mean the whole journey of your life,or a particular aspect of it,a present situation you are undertaking or about to undertake,
perhaps the results of which you feel anxious about,
it is recurring as it will represent an issue that you need to become aware of,
bring it into consciouisness,
look for the parralells in waking life,
what is it you are finding hard to open your eyes to,
is there something you are finding hard to accept,

there could be another way of looking at this dream,
the ego thinks its running the show,but it is not,
and is part of a greater awareness,surrendering to this unconscious aspect,is scary,as you have to relinquish conscious control ,
the journey ended safely,you did not come to harm,
if it does means this aspect,then i would take it as a compensatory dream to correct your conscious attitude,
you may not feel you can trust somthing,this dream is telling you ,you can.
hope this starts the ball rolling.
as joseph campbell said,the way is thoroughly known,

your soul knows best,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51-uk

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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Re: driving blind

Thank You Steve
you do make scence..i am going through a transformation of my life and have not been looking at all aspects with my eyes fully open...and I have been doing a lot of work with my subconscious knowing that that is were most of the retraining needs to be done in order for me to see my reality (conscious state)differently. I guess I have not put full trust in my subconscious (even through as we know it does know better) through fear, and this dream is trying to tell me to trust what i cant see as no harm comes to me...
It will be interesting if i have this dream again and I dont fight to see were I am going and put full trust that my journey is guided instead of waking myself up from trying to open my eyes...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: driving blind

Hi Bec and Steve,

I totally agree with everything that Steve wrote for your dream Bec, just want to give my two cents here.

For me, if I'm having this dream recurringly, and I'm driving a car without seeing, I would wonder if there is some conscious and important aspect of my life that I am simply blind too, and the fact that the dream is recurring would tell me I am in danger. The fact also that the dream ends only when I wake up is telling me I had better wake up fast to this situation because it is as dangerous as driving blind.

What does that mean? In your dream nothing bad seems to happen, but the emotions of driving blind are there. In real life if anyone is driving with their eyes shut they are bound to run into to someone or something and hurt them or themselves...there really is not two ways about it, don't you think so?

So, if this was my dream I'd look at my daily life and try to see if there is a huge white elephant in the room that I didn't notice before....

sorry for not being as optimistic as Steve.....

let us know


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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