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Power of Myth Video Now at Myths-Dreams-Symbols

Great news! I have discovered at Google Video and I have created pages for the first two, original, video programs'The Power of Myth' with Joseph Campbell {interviewed by Bill Moyers}. There are 6 one hour programs {they were first televised on PBS in 1988}, most of which was filmed at George Lucas Luke Skywalker Ranch in California.

If you aspire to truly understand Jungian psyche, his dream psychology {how to interpret dreams} a course in Campbell is the best way to begin. Campbell was a Jungian {although many of
those personally close to him don't like that description
}. But his ability to articulate thought and wisdom is opposite the most difficult language Jung often used.

Campbell was a great storyteller. He would site a myth, a story or a fairytale and you realize so much you never had never thought of, insights, wisdoms, and sometimes grand realizations. Many subscribe to Campbell's work with probably the best known being George Lucas. Lucas based his Star Wars trilogies on Campbell mythology {The Power of Myth Intro 3:30 minutes}. There are many blockbuster movies that are based on the patterns introduced by Campbell The Hero's Journey in Film. These are some of the videos I feature at Myths-Dreams-Symbols.

Here are the videos. Enjoy!

The Power of Myth Part 1 Time 56:49 minutes

The Power of Myth Part 2 Time 56 minutes


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Power of Myth Video Now at Myths-Dreams-Symbols

Hi Gerard

these are fantastic - thanks: I have sent the links to a number of friends - such 'easy' access to Campbell etc


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48 Brisbane Australia

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