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Scary, weird dream.

I went out on a date with a guy. I don't particulaly know him from real life, but I was meeting up with him in my dream.
I came back home and went into my room and the guy I was with got on the computer.
A little six year old girl came skipping into the room. (She was my sister in the dream but she is not in real life.) She then jumped on my bed and asked me where I had been.
I said that I had just been out on a date, but she said, "No before then."
And I said what do you mean. She said that I had been gone for years.
She said that I had just dissapeared while walking down the hallway one day.
I looked at her and said that I was going to ask my other sister,Alyssa, because she wasn't making any sense.
So I opened my door and began walking down the hall. I stopped because I saw Alyssa sitting on the couch ad there was a goast behind her.
I stood there and he turned around and gave me an evil smile.
Then an invisible fource popped up in the middle of the hallway. I guess I could describe it as invisible jelly.
When it appeared it made a swooshing type sound...

So I ran in the room and slammed the door. I grabbed my pajamas and went to go change. I said that I'm just going to go to bed. I feel weird.
By that time I was very scared and panicy.
So I went into the restroom and began to change.
It felt like something was in there with me so I cracked the door open.
So I began to take of my shirt and the little sister began to say "I can see you naked!" inn a playful sing-song type way.
(The clothes that I was changing into were the excat ones that I was wearing when I woke up)
After I changed the door flew open and smashed me against the wall where I hit my head.
I couldn't move so I peaked my head around the corner and said, "Guys this isn't funny. I'm really scared."
My date and the little girl both looked at me and said "doing what?"
Then I saw an invisible something (like a gust of wind almost) come into the restroom and slammed the door.
I couldn't see the face of it but I know that it was a guy.
So I tried to get out and it grabbed me by the neck. I was dangling in the air and a fist (invisible) started punching me in the face.
It started punching faster and faster to the point where I couldn't beath.
That's when I started yelling at myself in my head to wake up. So I started pinched myself hard. I started telling myself that I thought I wasn't dreaming. Then I said that I had to be. And then I told myself again that I HAD to be so I pinched my side until I let out a scream.
Then I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, US east coast

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: Scary, weird dream.


This dream may be of a repressed memory (computer, ghost) of an event that occurred when you were about six years old now coming to consciousness. If so, the event may be a source of change in your natural personality (just disappeared, gone for years). Perhaps an outward sign of this change (just go to bed, change, restroom/eliminate) is you now keep silent rather than talk, are withdrawn and hide your real thoughts and feelings by being uncommunicative for fear (invisible force) that this would happen again. The fear experienced as a child is unknowingly carried forward to current life affecting you even now. The event may have been violent, as displayed in the dream.

Your real sister Alyssa may have knowledge of the actual event, knowledge you have repressed and she may have forgot. Or perhaps you do recall (hit in the head over and over again) and look to Alyssa for confirmation and validation this actually occurred.

As always, dream interpretation may or may not be close. Please respond with your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Y

Re: Scary, weird dream.


Thank you for responing.
I am not sure if there was such an event when I was young but it very well could have happened, because I have many parts of my childhood that I blocked out a long time ago and now cannot remember.
So that would make sense.

Thanks again,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21, US east coast

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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