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Cruise Ship (continued)

While writing out the dream that was posted on Sept 17, entitled Cruise Ship, I forgot a part of it that I have remembered since. It is such a crucial part of the dream, that I'm writing again to add it in, hoping that the two will be connected up by those reading it:

While my teacher and I moved slowly alongside the cruiseship, I was able to see it in several size-scales. Sometimes I could see the whole thing at once and knew its limitations. At other times the sight honed in on the ship's deck. I suddenly realized that I was looking down onto the deck in exactly the same way as I gazed down onto the floor plan of the folk artist’s diorama in the dream of a few nights ago (entitled Artist and BB gun). In a flash I understood that the artist was involved in the making of these “stage sets”, and this ship was one of them. He had several others on the go at the time of my visit, but I had only looked closely at this one. All the elements of the deck, as seen from this perspective, corresponded perfectly to what I had seen and not understood in the artist’s studio. And the general feeling of the set was the same as well. This was a fantastic realization for me. The truth of it was much more interesting and important than the personal stories and emotions of my own involved life on the ship. I think this is what my teacher had brought me out here to see, although we didn’t speak of it at all. It was left for my own discovery, if it happened.

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