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what could this mean?

It was several people i dont remember them all in detail anymore, i know it was me my boyfriend one of his friends and an old friend i use to work with. We were with my friends parents on a boat out in the ocean going to mexico for vacation. Soon enough her parents somehow got lost we ended up in mexico but we didnt know quite where there. We were talking about getting another tattoo and i was talking to her about hers because she got one last time she was in mexico and it had a bad reaction and ended up peeling out of her skina nd leaving a scar in the shape of the tattoo.(Yikes) but anyways we went to get off and i couldnt find my sandles anywhere so she let me borrow hers. The next thing I know we were back on the boat and there is a pool on the boat, well i had to use the restroom so simply went to the bathroom and when i came out there were a lot of guys around and they were all over all the girls, it was really weird...there were a coupld of other girls now too. I was kicking these guys back into the pool, pushing them off me freaking out. I was talking to my friend, well shouting to her and she was like ohh just go with it. I was like i have to get out of here and one of the other girls yelled wait im comming too. We left the boat and were tripping out. Its like the guys were zobies, they didnt look like it but they acted like it. They were slow, didnt talk, and only wanted to do one thing with us. We went to the girls house but did not go up there was a pay phone out side so we wre going to call for help. When we dialed and it rang, the whole towns phones rang. We could here a million different rings comming from all over the houses and buildings around us it was crazy. when we hung up it stopped. Then we started running up like a fire escape on the side of the building and there were more of those zombie guys chasing after us then i woke up for work...very wierd though..and confusing...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 usa

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: what could this mean?

you may have a propensity to allow events where you feel alienated, and unsure to leave a lasting negative impression on you. You may also dislike being in control of the direction you go in life.

you seem to have some dissatisfaction with your perception or relation to men, ans this aspect of you life seems to be lifeless. This doesn't mean that your social life is lifeless, but it may lack something important and healthy for a fulfilling life. some of tis may have to do with demands placed on you that are sexual or sensual in nature.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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