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Snake engulfed a child


my wife had a dream last night. i am trying to explain as below.

A green snake engulfed our child, during that time I (myself) am so worried how to get the engulfed child agian, and telling to my wife, if child is not return i am going to die. During that worry-situation, i am talking with my GURU about the situation happened. He replied donot worry you will get the child back soon.

What is the meaning of this.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31, toronto

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Re: Snake engulfed a child

sounds like there is some envy having to do with the child. your wife may feel that you are giving the child more attention and that you love the child more than her.

Another thing it could be is that your wife may see the child as belonging solely to her, as is sometimes the perception in this culture here in the west by women.

The snake in this case would be a primal urge within her to be the primary and sole possesor of the child.
the guru would in this case be her guile telling her to assuage you, by telling you "it is ok, you will have the child back".

your wife is being americanized.

But, don't be too hasty and assume she has no consideration. She is concerned about your health as she does hear your voice within her and she does realize that you would be hurt if she were to use her power and make herself the primary and sole possesor of the child: she has empathy for you. This is very good.

If you are divorcing and in a custody battle, then the dream could be a result of that situation too.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

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Re: Snake engulfed a child

A snake is a symbol of rebirth in many, especially eastern traditions. I like the fact that the snake is green; that suggests to me that rebirth is a prominent aspect of this dream.

Is this your wife's first child? I wonder if the child really represents your wife's inner child (which is a wonderful, positive influence in all of us, and which we should honor and cherish).

Perhaps your wife is having a post partum let down of some kind, and the dream represents her own inner struggle for rebirth. If so, I think there are signs in the dream that she'll succeed.

After all, we are all reborn every moment! And your guru says not to worry. I wonder if some support from you could help?

Have a nice day and I hope this helps.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48, Nashville, TN, US

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Re: Snake engulfed a child

well dreams often relate to our emoptions rather than actually events. Has your son been ENGULFED in some strong negative emotions recently? Or have you?

Snakes can symbiolise many negative situations or problems such as envy or traps or jealousies or deceiptful comments. Anything link to that

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Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 scarborough

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Re: Snake engulfed a child

Oh I forgot to mention that being swallowed (e.g. Jonah in the Bible) is a very strong metaphor for rebirth. Joseph Campbell gives many examples in Hero With a Thousand Faces.

That's another reason I think your dream may be, at least in part, about the rebirth of your wife's inner child.

Best Regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 48, Nashville, TN, US

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Re: Snake engulfed a child


The dream may describe a shift in perspective. Joseph Campbell describes the psychological shift brought about by becoming a parent, especially for the female. Once a female gives birth, she is no longer 'life' her self, but takes on a new role of the caretaker of new life. Meaning once the next generation is born a realization of death follows.
Perhaps the dream communicates recognition of such coming to conscious and unconcious desire to return to the prior stage of life where she was 'life' without knowledge of death.

The dream ending may illustrate the next stage of life, mid life as rebirth to personal fulfillment. Once caretaking of the child is complete, when the child ventures out on their own, the female can experience a form of personal rebirth, where she can resume fulfillment of her personal aspirations and creative endeavors that are often set aside to fulfill the 'mother/parent' role.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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Re: Snake engulfed a child

it think Mr. campbell talks about the life cycle of a person as consisting of 2 births. First there is a birth via the female, then their birth via the male. The latter birth takes place later in the childs life and very often is what ritualized manhood or womanhood is symbolic of. It tells the child you now are no longer are a child of your mother, but you are a child of the tribe.
in western society the second birth no longer exists. Mr. Campbell felt this was one of the reasons that teenagers have it very rough and sometimes loose their way in this modern culture and we get so much juvenile delinquency.

I remember even reading a tale by mr campbell about a snake coming to consume children of a certain tribe, and the mothers are beat back by the men (symbollically of course) and the children are left to be eaten by a huge snake: again symbolically. this ushers the children into a new stage in life where they are no longer treated as their mother's but as their father's and the tribe's child. This is the second birth of the child. it is a male birth.

I don't remember if the children are symbolically eaten or if they just have the bejesus scared out of them, but I see a lot of this symbolism in this dream but in a slightly different sense.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

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