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I'm in this biiig wooden closet, but with the grille things on the american style lockers, and looking out of them into this room. The walls are all red and orange, but the table chairs, cealing, inside of the cupboard and one of the people in the room are really dark gray(the girl). The furnishings are expensive and wooden(mahongany, but because of the colouring, grak grey) (Very similar to this): . There's a little girl who looks a fair amount lke my nine year old cousin (long blond hair, reeealy short, and stick thin naturaly - looks seven) she's in this, what was white dress (kinda like an old fashiones nighty, but with simple sleves), but it's real old and torn, and I know she's been raped, because there's blood dripping down from the seat between her legs - like more than you would normally get if you'd just lost your viginity if you hadn't already guessed(I 'know' lots of things in dreams XD), but at the same time she's okay, not scared at all, like everythings normal. Her grandpa is sitting next to her, but they're on different sides - she's facing directly away from me ( I can only see her back), and he's on her left side, so I can see his right side. he loooks normal enough, but his face starts to change kinda. His mouth gets really wide, and red at the edges, like so flamed up that his lips are streched out and about as think as walnuts. His teeth are getting sharper too. He then looks up at where I am reeeaaaallly slowly. his mouth is now strecked so wide that he's got a constant almost smiling gaping hole for a mouth. He gets up equally slowley, I now know that he's going to eat me. I'm just kinda stuck to the spot though. he then walks over to the closet I'm in, and to say the least I am peeing myself I'm so scared (not literally x)). he moves his head alittle towards the girl, though still looking at me and says:

'look what we have here'

He's now about five/three feet away and suddenly dissapears. and in cliche fashion reapears with his face pressing up against the shutters. he starts to turn the dor handle, but it's locked, he's kinda smiling more now, and is rattling the door more and more until the whole closet feels like it's going to fall over, and then he gets the door open and draggs me out, and pulls me over to the table. All the while I have been going psycho because I'm so scared, shrieking my head off, crying, but being stuck to the spot. he pushes me down onto the table, he's reallly reealy strong. The girl now starts to move, before she'd been really still, just kind looking down, looking a little put out. Now she's looking up and me, kinda angryish/hungry, and starts to strech up, turning into this snake like thing, her neck widening like a cobra, and turning a little purple/brown ish.

And then the dream ends and I wake up.

Second scariest dream I've ever had.

Actually a very similar take on how the grand pa's mouth changed would be a human version of shoop du woop , to those who don't know it:

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, England

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes.

Re: Closet.

you seem to have some difficulty with your parent or guardians rules. you feel violated by them, as if they are unjust, cruel, and even violate you.

The reason for this may be that your have a secret about something.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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