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talking goblet/bees

I am in a castle. I am a young male. My father keeps old treasures in dungeon like areas in the castle. I guess what he has and he shows me. I say "FORK" and he dusts off an earthen goblet with sharp edges on the rim (like fork tines). It has a mouth on it, which speaks. Everyone else is afraid, but I hold the goblet and put toothpicks in the mouth. I take it outside to the castle garden and bees swarm out of its mouth. They circle around my right arm. I "will" that they will not sting, then use my mind to send healing light to them. They transform into pink flowers as a bracelet around my wrist. I wish them to stay that way, but they change into white light. My arm and then my whole being is transformed into white vapor.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Illinois

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: talking goblet/bees

Because in the dream you are male, and the treasures are your father's, I see the dream as addressing valuable masculine qualities about yourself that you may not be aware of {dungeons-the unconscious}. You probably have had occasions to utilize these qualities in your waking life but having to 'guess' what they are leaves you with little to work with. You may need to 'dust' off these vital aspects {earthen goblet may refer your true self} so to be able to utilize them. There may be an element having to do the creative or spiritual aspect {goblet being the chalice used in ceremonies-rituals-which may be spiritual or creative}. This 'speaks' to you in ways that you understand yet is not easily possessed {sharp edges}.

There are parts of you that is afraid to embrace this aspect. Bees are productive, hard workers, and dedicated to the Queen Bee {the powerful feminine - creativity and spirituality are aspects of the feminine}. Having removed the goblet from the castle {where is was stored in the unconscious fortress} you open up to this quality. They do not sting but bring about light {what was expected to be negative is a positive}. You possess the ability to achieve certain goals or aspirations but you must let this repressed quality change you so you can properly utilize it. It will bring about new light, new dimensions in your life.

I am guessing you have certain abilities that may require more forcefulness on your part {masculine aspects} but your feminine qualities {giving in, doing what others expect} may be in your way of realizing something valuable in your life. It may be about spiritual or creative matters, you are in that stage of life where these aspects are most important. Compare my thoughts to your waking life, all parts of your life and see if they fit somewhere.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: talking goblet/bees

I think you have hit on key issues in your interpretation. I am entering two major areas that demand I utilize masculine strengths. One is finishing a degree in Naturopathy, where I will be openly challenging current patriarchal models of medicine. The other is in the area of spirituality, where I am reclaiming my healing powers and finally reclaiming my own authority in these matters (i.e. having no ties to formal religion.) I am joining forces with others who are strong spiritually in creative endeavors. There are parts of me that are a bit nervous about some of this, and yet I am constantly reminded by others that I have all the abilities I need to accomplish my goals. I have a slight feeling that the bees are a perhaps my ego, or my strong feminine psyche feels threatened by the masculine qualities that must "out" at this time......On the other hand, there have been, and probably will be, real "enemies" to be aware of, and to protect myself from........Not that I should be afraid, but aware and smart.
Thank you. Very helpful comments.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Illinois

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: talking goblet/bees

Your recognition of these different aspects and how they fit within your current life is important, and very perceptive. Surrounding yourself with like minded people is proper and will help in achieving your goals.
As for this positive dream. Whenever one discovers that creative Self, and this often in accord with discovering the spiritual Self, and seizes the moment, one enters the world of the hero journey, the personal journey of discovery that will bring balance and harmony to your life. Your recognition of and accent on the positive will enable you to continue your journey will the helping hands of fate at your disposal. Do not be afraid and the rewards will come.

Look upon the bees as a positive threat. Anything so entwined within nature and so important to the earth's ecosystem must be positive, especially in dreams. Nature provides the psyche with warning signals to keep us on track. As long as it comes from nature and not from society it most likely represents a positive sign of progress in your life. The bees are addressing the inner life and symbolize an awareness of the inner strength over the outer {ego} weaknesses.

Best of luck in your journey {not that luck is the determining factor-but discipline is}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: talking goblet/bees

I am most grateful for your wisdom and support and am taking your words to heart as I continue on this journey. Namaste, Annette

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Illinois

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

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